How to Fixed White Screen Error in WordPress

2 min readMar 26, 2022


Assuming that you’ve been dazed by the whiteness of your site and observed a clear screen gazing at you then, at that point, you’ve previously met the notorious white screen of death in WordPress.

One moment the site working good, and the other everything goes blank with white screen. (This can likewise happen when your dashboard isn’t loading as expected despite the fact that the front of the site is really working.)

Today, we should investigate what prompts the white screen of death in WordPress and how to fix it:

#1: Plugins Issue

The white screen of death in WordPress is a potential offender assuming you endeavor to:

  • Modify an active plugin
  • Update an old one
  • Install a new plugin

Much of the time, the module that has recently been introduced or adjusted could bring about a contention with your present subject or other modules. That is the reason it’s essential to utilize WordPress items created utilizing best practices.

Attempt to deactivate any as of late modified or installed plugins and check whether your WordPress returns to normal.

On the off chance that your dashboard isn’t functional in any way, you can deactivate plugins in WordPress utilizing FTP access. A proviso is that you’ll possibly have the option to do this assuming you approach your FTP with the expected registry authorizations. Most hosting organizations give FTP service. Be that as it may, assuming WordPress is installed on a Virtual Private Server or you’re with a managed host, you probably won’t have a FTP server.

You may need to install FileZilla.

To Deactivate the plugin:

  • Log in to your FTP account with your FTP login information.
  • Find your website installation directory and open the folder wp_content/plugins
  • Open the folder with the plugin’s name
  • Rename the folder to an alternate name you can in any case perceive for example assuming the folder is called (xyz-plugin) name it (xyz-plugin-name). Pick any name gave it doesn’t seem like some other plugin’s name and you can recollect it later
  • That’s it! Renaming the folder permanently Deactivate the plugin

Re-load your website and see whether your site loads. Utilize the above strides to Deactivate as many plugins as need might arise to combat the white screen of death in WordPress.

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