Chibi Fighters: Chibis and totally sick weapons!

3 min readApr 28, 2018


Chibi Fighters is about to start the beta 0.1 and today I will have the focus on the armament of the Chibis. There are already a lot of totally sick weapons and beyond that, we have an incredible amount of ideas for more wicked weapons, which we will introduce gradually.

In this article, I will think out loud about the weapons of Chibis and give you an insight into and indicate the direction in which Chibi Fighters is heading.

Additionally, this article gives a small foretaste of the weapons. On pictures, I present you four of the fabulous legendary founder weapons.
Every Chibi has defined armament since birth. The weapons are anchored in the Chibi gene, so every Chibi comes with a standard weapon. It is possible, however, that a Chibi has no weapon. Then the Chibi has only his fists.

The 2.134 Founder Chibi Fighters are better equipped. They will each receive a special armament, which will no longer occur in the course of the game.

The awesome hammer on the next picture is an exclusive founder weapon.

Hammer / © Chibi Fighters /

The existing variety of weapons is already enormous and the weapons just look insanely great. I’m totally keen. There are already short swords, longswords, two-handed swords, broadswords, daggers, knives, hatchets, Katanas, helberds, sabres, spears, cudgels, scythes, battle axes, hammers and many other weapons, in each case in several versions. I would so gladly show you all the weapons right now! It’s a real shame that a few chosen ones have been able to marvel at them so far. :D

The weapons of the Chibis are an extremely important topic for us and here always counts besides the kind, variety, and function the quality of the presentation. Still, some dreams of the future but absolutely conceivable is for example, that weapons can be pimped up in the further course of the game. The weapons will then become more powerful and valuable. This will be very interesting for rare and legendary weapons.

This wonderful sword on the next picture is an exclusive founder weapon.

Sword / © Chibi Fighters /

Unique weapons

There will also be unique weapons that actually only occur once in the game. For example, imagine the Master Sword of Link from The Legend of Zelda. The Master Sword is a sacred spell sword forged by the gods and is also known as the Sword of Time. The Master Sword has the power to banish evil from the face of the world. We will definitely implement this sword early and it will definitely only occur once in the game.

The scythe on the next picture is also an exclusive founder weapon.

Scythe / © Chibi Fighters /

weapons trade

Now it’s getting really exciting. In the course of the game, there will be an add-on with which the weapons can be traded as desired. Weapons can, therefore, be traded and perhaps even loaned out independently of the Chibi in the marketplace. It is also absolutely important that the weapons are not inflationary and rare weapons actually remain rare and can, therefore, achieve a proud price in the marketplace!

The sword on the next picture is also an exclusive founder weapon.

Sword / © Chibi Fighters /

Now it’s your turn…

With what armament do you want to send your Chibis into battle?

Write me your idea now simply as a comment.


Kind regards




The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination. — Albert Einstein