Mikal Rasul
4 min readSep 3, 2023

THE BLUE MOTH (Self-Spiritual Transformation)

By Supreme Minister Warren Muen, Nation of Islam, USA

In The Name of Allah (God), The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful

As-salaam-alaikum (Peace be Unto You) When one is seeking a higher spirituality, one must not miss the signs that God has placed inside and outside of nature. Allah (God) has given humanity special signs to talk to them in a spiritual communication without verbal sound. Here in this article, I will focus on, “the moth”.

Note: Moths are not butterflies, they are an insect species all their own. In spiritual symbolism the moth can represent both life and death, but the real meaning of the moth is spiritual transformation. No! People cannot turn into a moth (LOL), but the natural qualities that the moth has can correspond with human nature qualities in spiritual significance. Moths are gentle creatures, how many time when you were growing up as children did you chase moths? When you were able to catch one, it fluttered its wing and wanted to get away, not because it did not like you per se, but because it was going on a journey of its own. Now, you as a person here upon planet Earth are on a journey as well, a spiritual journey of understanding yourself and God as best you can. The spiritual journey to understand what Allah (God) has planned for you in this life is quite baffling as you progress through your own human growth and development.

The daily negativity of powerful Satanic and Demonic can take its toll upon the fragile human being!! So where does one start in improving oneself spirituality? Well, the very first thing that you must come to understand is that Allah (God) exists!!, and he is active in the universe of all the worlds.

What people do not realize is that in order to receive a blessing you have to put out one yourself for others to receive. That means through prayer, faith, hope, and charity. Allah (God) sees everything that you do, even when you think you have gotten away with something bad!! (spiritual smile). The Judeo-Christian messiah Jesus, stated clearly, stop stock piling treasures upon the earth where thieves and robbers and moths will come in and take everything that you have labored for! Christ said, store up treasures in heaven = spiritual transformation of your body, because the physical one will soon lose its earthly value, and shall be no more!

Now, in Greek and Middle Eastern cultures the moth represented death! This was a certain species of moth that could destroy material things just like the human could. After all, don’t we have to buy moth balls to protect our clothing in change of seasons? Now this death moth is a very powerful understanding. I cannot go into all the high spiritual detail, but I can share one thing about it with you. The death moth could stop or prevent on from resurrection! The death moth was on of Satan’s Demons that could transform into human form and rob the soul of the deceased!! The moth man story of West Virginia is akin to the death moth of ancient Greece and the Middle East, as back then a moth man was seen during Christ’s time. That is all that I am giving you on this little pebble of hidden spiritual history for now!

Now, let us get back to the regular moth in spiritual symbolism for your self-transformation. The regular brown moth transforming into the beautiful blue moth. Step #1: remove lies, and debauchery from your life, and ask Allah to forgive you of the self-harm that you have done to yourself and others. Step #2: clean and purify your body from head to toe. Step #3: Make time for prayer daily. Step #4: Do some volunteer work at a local charity. Step #5: Take time to contemplate all the good that you have been doing and done, as well as see the changing of the color of your mind from the murky depths of demon doubt, self-hate, and sloth, into the sky blue of joyful brightness of Allah’s (God’s) Bliss Streaming Toward the Heavenly Paradise of Everlasting Life!!

Salaam (Peace)

Master Warren Muen (Nation of Islam, USA)

Holy Quran, Sūra 93: Dhuhā, or The Glorious Morning Light

By the Glorious Morning Light,

And by the Night When it is still, —

Thy Guardian-Lord Hath not forsaken thee, Nor is He displeased.

And verily the hereafter Will be better for thee Than the present.

And soon will thy Guardian-Lord give thee (That wherewith) thou Shalt be well-pleased.

Did He not find thee An orphan and give thee Shelter (and care)?

And He found thee Wandering, and He gave Thee guidance.

And He found thee In need, and made Thee independent.

Therefore, treat not the orphan with harshness,

Nor repulse the petitioner (Unheard) ;

But the Bounty Of thy Lord — Rehearse and proclaim!

Translated into English by Abdullah Yusuf Ali

For more information contact:

Minister, M. Omar Rasul

Nation of Islam, Tucson Study Group

P.O. Box 5282 Tucson, AZ 85705