Happy and cost-effective journey to Bangkok with Thai Airways

Airlines Reservations
3 min readJul 13, 2019
Thai Airways

Every person wants to be pampered without spending extravagantly. ‘A Bangkok trip’ has the potential to replace ‘pamper’ word in the dictionaries shortly due to the relaxation and joy it gives to its tourists. The charm of a trip highly depends on how cost-effective it is. We have brought you an exciting opportunity to avail a Bangkok trip at the lowest costs with supreme comfort. Fly via Thai Airways and experience a journey as relaxing as a Bangkok trip itself.


Bangkok, the capital city of Thailand might be intimidating at first, but give it some exploration and you will seriously love it. There are so many enjoyable things to do in Bangkok but naming the best things is a little harder. There’s plenty to do and discover in this magnificent metropolis with a population of over eleven million inhabitants, by far. Its sky-touching buildings, intense heat, and kinky nightlife do not immediately give you a warm welcome but make sure that your first impression doesn’t mislead you. It is one of Asia’s most metropolitan cities with marvelous temples and palaces, beautiful canals, busy markets, and a vibrant nightlife. Reserve your Thai Airways Tickets to enjoy all these delicacies at highly reduced rates.


One of the best ways to praise the beauty of a city is from the water. A canal tour lets you uniquely enjoy Bangkok. At one time, transportation by water was one of the primary ways that people used for mobility in the city. Even in recent times, some Thais commute by riverboats and canal boats to get around Bangkok and the surrounding outlying districts. There are several canal tours, including leisure outings to local floating markets. On these tours, you get to see traditional farmhouses, fields, and wildlife that happen to appear like hundreds of years ago. Plan a holiday trip to Thailand and don’t miss this opportunity to experience the real Bangkok while clicking some memorable photos along the way.


One of the best things to do in Bangkok is to witness the enchanting marine life at Southeast Asia’s largest aquarium, Sealife Bangkok. Sealife Ocean world is one of the biggest aquariums in Southeast Asia, with more than 30000 marine species. The unique experience of deeply observing aquatic animals makes it so enthralling. Visitors have to walk through a glass tube which is the only thing that separates them from the massive sharks passing by. It is a home of marine life swimming by your side. The children would especially love watching turtles and cute penguins roaming around. It is a perfect family outing for sure.

Book Thai Airways Tickets and avail an extremely cost-effective and safe journey that is worth lingering in your memories.



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