Injury Prevention for Cold Weather ExerciseEven though the cold weather is coming to an end (hopefully), it is still cold out, not to mention we recently had a small snow storm in…Mar 20, 2023Mar 20, 2023
Pre, During, & Post Workout NutritionProper nutrition is vital to workout safely, maximize and sustain performance, and recover. Getting your nutrition plan right will help you…Dec 6, 2022Dec 6, 2022
Winter Workouts: What to DoTake care of yourself to ward of illness, and to have the energy and motivation to be active:Dec 6, 2022Dec 6, 2022
The 10% Method: How to Increase the Amount of Physical Activity You Can Do.If you are considering adding to your typical amount of daily physical activity, it should only be done if you do not have any pain or…Apr 7, 2022Apr 7, 2022
Resistance Bands, Benefits, Tips, and ExercisesResistance band training is a great idea for anyone looking to get in shape. In many ways, resistance bands are the jack of all trades when…Feb 14, 2022Feb 14, 2022
Diversifying your Workouts: Walking and Strength TrainingOne of the key elements to building balanced fitness is doing diverse workouts and training.Dec 10, 2021Dec 10, 2021
5 Things to Look for in a TrainerWhether you’re just starting out or looking to break through a plateau, finding the right trainer can have a major impact on your time…Dec 3, 2021Dec 3, 2021