Co-working spaces, our saviors.

Future Laboratory
2 min readApr 22, 2019


Do you remember working spaces from the past? Private rooms, lots of separated small offices and all in dull colors.

No chance of talking or communicating in any form, just work work work and work.

Scene from Matrix movie

But, this has changed, finally( Thanks god)

No more!

co-working spaces are our saviors.

The story of co-working began in 2005, and it has evolved dramatically ever since.

You may ask, why do we need them? What are the benefits of this space?

Here are some answers


Co-working spaces started garnering the favor of freelancers, entrepreneurs, independent contractors and other self-employed professionals a few years back. But now, corporates are giving shared working space more attention than ever. They can work/communicate with energetic startups and other like-minded professionals outside the office.

Grow your business faster

be more productive, expand your network, receive your clients in a professional setting… Coworking spaces are made to help you grow faster.

Be more creative

getting out of your home, having interesting people around you and engaging conversations will help you be more creative.

Work by yourself, not alone

focus on your own work while working with other people around you that could give you a hand if you need it or that will be open for a chat around a cup of coffee

and many others…

So, what are you waiting for? Need more examples?

Here are some big, successful Companies that started in co-working spaces:




So, co-working spaces are our future and I hope that every company will switch to them.



Future Laboratory

First company in Caucasus Region in direction of Innovation Consulting and Management. We help organizations to be more innovative.