How To Buy Blüpass (BLU) Tokens

4 min readSep 11, 2018


Welcome to the future of Healthcare! This is a step-by-step guide on how to purchase BLU tokens, from start to finish. To begin the purchasing process, you will need to use a computer, not your mobile phone.

Because Blüpass operates on the Ethereum platform, the currency used to purchase BLU tokens is Ether (Ethereum currency). The following steps will guide you through the process of purchasing Ether and then purchasing BLU tokens with the Ether.

1: Create a Coinbase account

While there are many exchanges you can use to buy Ethereum, the most popular choice is Coinbase. This exhange is great for amateurs who are looking for simplicity, but most importantly, Coinbase allows you to purchase Ether (and other cryptocurrencies) with fiat money. Once you create your account (verifying your drivers license and such), you can move on to step 2.

2: Create a Metamask account

Metamask is a virtual wallet that allows users to send and recieve both Ether and tokens. While there are many token wallets on the web, Metamask is by far the simplest and easiest to use. Watch this video (click on the word, “video”) to help you setup your account from the user’s perspective. Make sure you use Google Chrome (not Safari) when setting up your Metamask. The reason why we cannot purchase BLU tokens from Coinbase is because Coinbase does not let you store tokens. DO NOT SEND ETHER FROM COINBASE TO BLUPASS.

3: Transferring Coinbase Ether to Metamask

You have two options when purchasing and transferring Ether: either purchase Ether from Coinbase then manually send to Metamask, or purchase Ether automatically from Metamask.

Option 1: Purchasing Ether automatically from Metamask (connected to your Coinbase account)

Use this link for guidance (click on word, “link”). The article is a little outdated because it has more steps than necessary, but the fundamentals are accurate. Be patient about transaction time; it could be several minutes.

Option 2: Purchasing Ether from Coinbase

Purchasing Ether from Coinbase is fine, however the user must be aware of possible lag times and where to paste Ethereum wallet addresses. In order to avoid a horrific situation (like losing your Ether in a transaction) follow these steps:

  1. Purchase Ether from Coinbase. Use this link for guidance:
  2. Copy wallet address from Metamask. The wallet address is the recieving address of your wallet. It will be a long string of random numbers and letters

3. Paste Metamask address (receiving address) to Coinbase and send Ether. Use this link for guidance:

4. Check your Metamask balance. It will take some time for the Ether to show up.

4: Sign Up on Blüpass

  1. Visit
  2. Register
  3. Insert the Ethereum that you want to spend in the “Sum ETH” section. Notice the equated BLU tokens automatically change when you change the ETH number.

4. Click Buy

5. Once you click Buy, your Metamask purchase window should automatically pop up. This window (example below) is showing you the total cost of sending Ether. Click Confirm.

6. Wait for transaction to confirm. This could take several minutes.

7. Once your Metamask confirms your transaction, click on “My Investments” to see your transaction on the Blupass cabinet.

8. Now that you’re Ether is sent to Blupass, be sure to complete KYC if you haven’t done that already. Your BLU tokens will be dispersed at the end of the ICO.




Blüpass is a platform that uses blockchain ledgers and smart contracts to automate health insurance claims.