Gather Quest

3 min readJul 11, 2016



Im a indiedeveloper who loves RPG-games ever since Diablo 1. Nowadays I also love getting outside my home to enjoy the nature. I came up with this idea, making a game where i can get out in the nature and play RPG in the same time, without needing to sit down on a bench staring on the phone.

GatherQuest is an GPS-based game that is currently under development. An early BETA version will be available soon this summer on IOS and Android.

How the game works (First release, late summer 2016):

You will play the game outside by walking or running.

Your Camp

At the start you will mark your Camp. Your camp is your home, or startingpoint. When you place a camp, your current location in a 10 meter radius will be your camp. Every hour you can change your camp-location. When you are located in your camp, you can:

-Buy and sell items to vendors.

-Regain health.

-Access your mailbox and stash.


When you are outside your Camp, you are in the “Wilderness”. Every 20 meter you move, you will either find an item or encounter a monster. In your adventure, you will need to find food and ways to get health to survive or go back to your camp.


Items are stored in your inventory and can also be stored in the stash in the Camp. When you Have items in the inventory you will gain its powerups that will be needed in your adventure.

Early ingame screenshot.


You will fight monster in your adventure in the Wilderness. Be aware, monsters are higher level the farther you are from your camp. But higher level monsters drops better items. So level up by killing monsters and get better items!

Second release:

Community Website

A community will become available with:


-Inspect other players

-Trade, sell and buy items with other players.


Quests will become available on the second release of Gather Quest. When moving around you will have a chance to meet NPC’s that will give you different quests. This is an actual ingamequest:

“My grandmother is very sick… she won’t survive this night if we cant find a cure for her. I need you to help me gather some wolfberries. I’ve heard that they grow 1km southwest from your Camp.” -Emely Thol

This is a quest where “as it says”, you should go and find wolfberries 1km southwest from your camp, and bring them back to the location you got the quest.

You will get an overview on a real map, where the questgiver for the current quest is located.

Later release:


Group up in real life to encounter bosses at specific maplocations that can be found in the community website. Bosses gives alot of XP and have better “base magicfind”/Better drops. At the bossencounters, the bosses are always damaging players with highest health first.

More coming up…

