The Most Visited 10 Regions in Antalya

2 min readFeb 1, 2024

Explore the most visited 10 regions in Antalya, each boasting a rich blend of history, stunning landscapes, and cultural treasures. Discover the short histories of these regions and the convenient transportation options from Antalya Airport:

Düden Waterfall

Kaleiçi (Antalya City Center)

  • History: Kaleiçi, the historic center of Antalya, dates back to the Roman period, offering a charming blend of ancient architecture and modern amenities.
  • Transportation: Access Kaleiçi from Antalya Airport by taxi, private transfer, or public buses.

Konyaaltı Beach

  • History: Konyaaltı is renowned for its modern hotels and long beaches, attracting both local and international tourists.
  • Transportation: Reach Konyaaltı from Antalya Airport via taxi, private transfer, or public buses.

Lara Beach

  • History: Known for its luxury hotels and vibrant nightlife, Lara is a popular resort area with a lively atmosphere.
  • Transportation: Access Lara by taxi, private transfer, or public buses from Antalya Airport.

Perge Ancient City

  • History: Perge, an ancient city dating back to the Roman period, is home to significant archaeological remains.
  • Transportation: Reach Perge from Antalya Airport with rental cars or private tours.

Aspendos Theater

  • History: Aspendos Ancient Theater is one of the best-preserved Roman theaters, offering a glimpse into ancient architectural marvels.
  • Transportation: Access Aspendos by rental cars or private tours from Antalya Airport.

Düden Waterfalls

  • History: Düden Waterfalls showcase the natural beauty of Antalya and are easily accessible from the city center.
  • Transportation: Reach Düden Waterfalls from Antalya Airport by taxi, private transfer, or rental cars.

Olympos and Yanartaş

  • History: Olympos is an ancient Lycian city, and Yanartaş is known for its eternal flames, creating a unique historical and natural experience.
  • Transportation: Access Olympos by rental cars or private tours from Antalya Airport.

Phaselis Ancient City

  • History: Phaselis, an ancient Lycian port city, is recognized for its historical ruins.
  • Transportation: Reach Phaselis from Antalya Airport with rental cars or private tours.


  • History: Kemer has a history as an ancient Lycian city and is now a popular tourist destination.
  • Transportation: Access Kemer from Antalya Airport by taxi, private transfer, or rental cars.


  • History: Belek is renowned for its luxury hotels and golf courses, situated close to the ancient city of Aspendos.
  • Transportation: Reach Belek by taxi, private transfer, or rental cars from Antalya Airport.

For Airport Tranfer to these popular regions in Antalya, taxis, private transfers, and rental cars are commonly preferred. Public buses and organized tours also offer alternative transportation options. Exploring the diverse regions of Antalya promises an unforgettable holiday experience, blending historical richness with natural beauty.

