Tommy Doyle

Tommy Doyle

Tommy Doyle

UX Case Studies

3 stories

Enjoy Korean Cover Photo
Tommy Doyle

Tommy Doyle


6 stories design system mockups
Blue background with the words ‘Creating a design system in Figma’ in white
Tommy Doyle

Tommy Doyle

Conducting meetings

1 story

Tommy Doyle

Tommy Doyle

UX - Components

1 story

Tommy Doyle

Tommy Doyle

UX - Metrics

1 story

Tommy Doyle

Tommy Doyle


3 stories

Tommy Doyle

Tommy Doyle

Subscription model

2 stories

A subscription which shows the subscription fee for digital newspapers. It shows whats included, then the price that it is framed as £0.86p per day
Tommy Doyle

Tommy Doyle

Design principals

1 story

An image of three designers looking up to the Northstar in the night sky while one asks, ‘What’s guiding our designs?’ and another comments ‘ The design principles we should’ve created a while ago’.
Tommy Doyle

Tommy Doyle

Career Development

4 stories

Stacked bar chart of layoffs in 2022. Source: Visual Capitalist
Tommy Doyle

Tommy Doyle

UX/UI - Responsive

1 story

Tommy Doyle

Tommy Doyle

UX - Handoff

1 story

Comic of designer said: Now let’s hand it off
Tommy Doyle

Tommy Doyle

UX/UI - Conversion

1 story

Tommy Doyle

Tommy Doyle

Interview process

1 story

Tommy Doyle

Tommy Doyle


5 stories

people around a desk reviewing mobile user flows.
Tommy Doyle

Tommy Doyle

UI/UX Design Agencies

1 story

Tommy Doyle

Tommy Doyle


2 stories

Wireframe of a phone in the middle, with many visuals options around it, all connected by a red line