Vindhaus Marketing
2 min readOct 10, 2018

Progress has always been slow to reach outside the city. Before the Rural Electrification Act of 1936, when cities were enjoying the benefits of electricity, rural areas were long left in the dark. Even today, rural communities and small towns lag behind in the availability of high speed internet.

Another thing that lacks for small communities is the flow of consumers needed to keep local businesses alive and open. One of the best ways to increase customers is using professional, modern web services; marketing, advertising, web design and development that adapts to quickly changing digital marketing standards. Many business owners wanting a clean, professional website often are forced seek out faceless people who can’t truly understand their needs or communicate clearly. If small business owners don’t use an agency from the city or another country, they’re often left to the wastelands of website builders such as Wix, Weebly or GoDaddy.

When business owners’ options are so limited, what gets lost is what small communities often value: knowing and having a personal trust for the people providing their services.

Small communities, contrary to popular belief, are highly centralized. There’s a town store, the trusty mechanic, the seasoned doctors and dentists that everyone visits, and so on. All of these businesses are based on a foundation of trust and personal knowing. So why not have that same relationship with a local marketing and website developer?

Let’s propose: a community web developer and marketing duo — someone local business owners can trust to represent their needs and interests to the online community. Any local business that keeps up with the standards of their industry and can provide services in a timely and economical manner is a treasure to small communities. However, it’s contradictory to the fast-cash, poor-service culture of many companies operating in the cities and larger suburbs.

Let us take care of your company’s online needs. We’re local, we’re people with names and faces. We live in your community and we care about seeing this area thrive. Let us earn your trust, help build your clientele, and support more local businesses. We’re Vindhaus Marketing and we’re here to help you succeed.

Vindhaus Marketing

Vindhaus Marketing is a web design and marketing agency based in Small Town, Texas. Visit us at