6 Things Everyone Needs to Know When Creating the Interior of a Log Cabin

Pineca Com
4 min readMay 31, 2018


When you are deciding on the interior of your log cabin, things can get confusing fast! It seems as though there are endless decisions to make. There are so many options around creating your own log cabin interior it would be helpful to have a guide. That’s what we thought, too. Without further ado, here are the 6 things everyone needs to know when creating the interior of a log cabin.

#1. Window Orientation is Important

When imagining your log cabin’s interior, think long and hard about the window orientation. While carefully picking and choosing the direction your windows face sounds boring, it is extremely important.

Log cabins are dark by nature, so there should be a good amount of windows. It is even more helpful if the windows are larger in size. This allows more sunlight inside to brighten up your interior. Furthermore, they should be placed in areas of the home where they will make the most difference. You will definitely want a south facing window for any plants you want to grow inside.

#2. Add a Fireplace

If you have the great opportunity to create your own interior, do not squander it!

A log cabin should always include at least one working fireplace. This not only adds to the beauty, but a fireplace can be useful in the winter.

Many people that own log cabins opt to use their fireplaces to save money on heating bills. Fireplaces can be built in brick, log, river rock, marble, granite, and many other gorgeous options! There is a material for every personality and budget.

#3. Face Your Entrance South

According to the tenants of Feng Shui, you should face your log cabin’s only entrance south. This attracts positive energy, warmth, and good things to your home. Even if you don’t believe in that ancient art, there is also a practical reason to turn your door south.

The harshest winds come from the north. By facing the entrance the opposite direction you will be shielding the front of your home from incessant wind and bad weather. This can result in fewer drafts around the door and a lower heating bill.

#4. Plan for Enough Light Fixtures

As we mentioned before, the interior of a log cabin (more information here) is often quite dark. That is why it is so important to plan for enough light fixtures. The electrician will need the final house plan, and once it is wired it can be expensive and tedious to re-wire. So, plan your light fixtures carefully.

As far as the amount of electrical outlets go, more is better. Just in case things are darker than you imagined and you need to add some lamps after the fact. You may also want to add some decorative lighting at a later date. It is also good to have the option to enhance any area around your home with an electrical product.

#5. Have a Wood Finish in Mind

Before choosing the final wood finish for you log cabin interior, it is important to do research. There are quite a few different kinds of finishes that can be applied to the wood inside. Things like stains can change the texture, color, and appearance of the walls. The good news is, you can switch things up easily. The bad news is that the process of staining can be tedious work. That is why it is best to get the finish nailed down. You can choose light or dark, smooth or textured, or even no stain at all.

#6. Choose Your Walls Wisely

Did you know that you don’t have to have log walls inside of a log cabin? It’s true! Although still rare, it is catching on. You always have the option of traditional log walls, but there are so many different options now. Wooden paneling is a type of log cabin wall that is gaining traction. So is brick. You can even choose to have drywall installed.

This is a great choice for those that get bored of their interiors easily. With drywall you have the option to paint whenever you want. You can even mix and match between the wall types throughout the log cabin!

