Best Christmas Accessories for Log Cabin Decorating

Pineca Com
4 min readDec 15, 2017


Sometimes it can be difficult to decide how to decorate your log cabin around Chrsitmas. In this article, I am going to give you some ideas for the best Christmas accesories for log cabin (more information here)decorating. Room by room I will guide you through some of the best decorative ideas of 2017.

Exterior — My favorite part of decorating my log cabin is choosing what I want to use for the exterior. Although putting up fun accessories outside can be cold, it is well worth it for the joy it brings to yourself and others! When decorating the outdoors, I like to pick a color or a theme and go with it. If you live by a lake, consider the effect the lights will have reflected. I personally like to keep it simple with colored icicle lights, especially blue. If you are going to put up inflatables, you should go all the way with décor!

Entryway — I believe the entryway is the most difficult place to decorate. However, the door is the first place where you can introduce your guests to your Christmas theme. Be sure your wreath reflects the overall idea of your décor. If your entryway contains a staircase, it is ripe for garland wrapping! If not, place some ribbon or garland around any mirrors. In addition, set out a nice centerpiece if you happen to have a table in your entryway. Pinecones are a nice addition for a welcoming smell.

Living Area — Typically, the living area is the center of attention of log cabin Christmas accessories. This is where most people place their tree, presents, and most themed decorations. Hang some stockings from the fireplace, wrap some lights around the interior windows, and utilize garland to wrap anything and everything! If you have a fireplace, use this opportunity to add candles, a wreath, and fake logs for even more holiday spirit! Now for the most important part of Christmas: the tree! Decide ahead of time how you want to adorn your 2017 Christmas tree. What atmosphere are you making?

Kitchen — Although families spend a lot of time in the kitchen during the holiday season, many people overlook decorating this essential room. There are plenty of fun accessories to hang from the cabinets, as well as fake snow to line the windows. You can always use window accents for quick and easy decoration. If your table is in the kitchen, it can be fun to set out a candy or cookie display. We usually purchase winter beers and use our kitchen décor to bring out the beer theme. Not only that, we show off our holiday shot glasses and put them to good use!

Bathroom — Some people like to keep the bathroom simple. I am one of those people. Some candles, garland, pinecones, and fake snow are enough to keep me happy. However, others decorate the bathroom keeping with the same theme as the rest of the log cabin. Feel free to add a small, fiber optic tree as a nightlight. Or, place a fun wreath on the door. Don’t forget the festive soaps!

Bedrooms — Bedrooms are an optional choice for decoration. If you are only decorating for the sake of others, I do not recommend decorating the bedroom. However, if you love Christmas, here are some great ideas for bedroom accessories. The first thing you can do is buy a small tree for the room. I personally string lights around the room. You can either do the whole room like I do, or just the windows or the bed. There are plenty of fun shaped and colored lights, so you do not have to follow the trends! If you want, you can use only candles to decorate. Don’t forget to add some mistletoe for you and your honey!


Now that you have some idea of your options, get out there and buy some décor! Keep in mind you do not have to decorate each room. You can pick and choose! You can even have a different theme for each room if you want! I hope you enjoyed my suggestions for the best Christmastime accessories. Have fun decorating your log cabin for the Holidays!

