How would Jesus Vote?

Roland Heersink
3 min readOct 16, 2020


In the days when Jesus walked the earth, the Jewish nation was an occupied territory of the Roman Empire.

In contrast to the promise of freedom and a land flowing with milk and honey, the Jews were under Roman rule, and sending milk & honey in tax to Rome.

And so here were the Jews waiting for the Messiah to set them free — to restore life, liberty & the pursuit of happiness.

And here comes Jesus…. and what does Jesus do about the Roman issue?


He never even once speaks out against the Romans.

The only time Jesus speaks about the Romans was when he was asked about paying taxes — and then he kept it simple and said only this in Matthew 22:21

“…give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s.”

So… even though Jesus had plenty of opportunity to speak up politically — and even though most people were expecting political action from their Messiah — Jesus never did.

But would his reaction be different today?

Let’s find out by taking a quick look at the Bible.

Jesus’ summarized all the teachings of the Bible in 2 lines — also found in Matthew 22:

“Love the Lord your God”


“Love your neighbor as yourself.”

Jesus taught this and that the Kingdom of Heaven was all about serving others — just as he said in Mark 10:45:

“For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

Loving God, our neighbor and & serving others. That’s what Jesus teaches us to do.

My conclusion: if Jesus were here today, He wouldn’t have anything to do with earthly politics at all, meaning also that he would not vote.

Instead, He’d be busy loving & serving to help build the Kingdom of Heaven right here on earth.

As Christ-followers, he calls us to do the same.

Not sure about that? Are you thinking that your vote or involvement in the politics of this world is important? Then consider the words of Romans 12:2 where it gives us this instruction:

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.

So what does that mean for your vote? After all, aren’t there some important issues to participate in?

Maybe yes and maybe no — join me in my next article as we find out.

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Roland Heersink

Roland is a writer & YouVersion Bible study plan contributor. He also has a series of 3-minute videos on voting in 2020 on the “God and Work” YouTube channel.