The most important things to know about Customer Master Data Management

Uli Lokshin for Pretectum CMDM
5 min readJan 24, 2024

Customer master data attributes are essential pieces of information about your customers that in Pretectum CMDM, are stored in the central repository, referred to as the Pretectum CMDM system. Managing your customer master data effectively is crucial for your organization to enhance its customer relationships, improve your organizational decision-making, and streamline operations and business processes.

Here are what we consider key considerations regarding your customer master data attributes:

Accuracy: Ensure that the data is accurate, up-to-date, and free from errors. Inaccurate information can lead to misunderstandings, poor decision-making, and customer dissatisfaction. The Pretectum CMDM ensures accuracy by centralizing customer data and integrating it from multiple sources. This process includes customer self-service and native integrations to maintain up-to-date and correct information, thereby reducing the risk of using incorrect or outdated data. The system also automates data management tasks, which helps in reducing human error and maintaining a high level of data quality.

Completeness: Capture all relevant customer information required for business processes. Incomplete data may hinder your ability to understand customers fully and provide them with the best possible service. Pretectum CMDM addresses completeness by ensuring that all essential customer data fields are present and accurately filled. It supports the definition of comprehensive data requirements, helps in identifying missing information, and enables reporting on data governance policies and data inconsistencies. This approach maintains a consistently high level of data completeness within your customer data, which is crucial for effective analysis and decision-making.

Consistency: Maintain consistency across all systems and platforms where customer data is stored. Inconsistencies can lead to confusion, duplication of efforts, and inaccuracies in reporting. Pretectum CMDM handles consistency by harmonizing customer data across various channels and platforms. It standardizes data formats, employs master data management practices, and resolves data conflicts efficiently. This ensures that customer data is consistent wherever it is used, which is essential for providing seamless customer experiences and maintaining data integrity across the business.

Uniqueness: Ensure that each customer has a unique identifier or key to prevent duplicates. Duplicate records can cause confusion, lead to errors, and impact the accuracy of analytics. Pretectum CMDM helps with uniqueness by identifying and merging duplicate records to create a single, authoritative view of each customer. It uses sophisticated matching algorithms to detect duplicates and provides tools for data stewards to review and merge records as needed. This ensures that each customer is represented once in the database, eliminating redundancies and improving the accuracy of customer profiles.

Security: Implement robust security measures to protect sensitive customer information. Customer data should be handled with care to comply with privacy regulations and maintain the trust of your customers. Pretectum takes the security of customer data very seriously. The platform employs robust security measures to protect data from unauthorized access and breaches. This includes encryption of sensitive data, implementing access controls, and adhering to industry standards and regulations for data security. Pretectum’s commitment to data security ensures that customer information is safeguarded throughout its lifecycle within the CMDM system.

Relevance: Include only the necessary information that is relevant to your business processes. Avoid collecting excessive data that may not be useful and could lead to increased maintenance efforts. Pretectum CMDM ensures the relevance of customer master data by implementing real-time monitoring systems to identify and address data staleness issues promptly. It supports efficient data capture and updating mechanisms, streamlines data processing pipelines, and employs master data management practices to keep customer data current and relevant. This approach helps in avoiding missed opportunities and maintaining the ability to inform about customer data needs effectively.

Standardization: Standardize data formats and values to maintain consistency and facilitate easier integration with other systems. Standardization simplifies data management and ensures compatibility across the organization. Pretectum CMDM accommodates standardization by providing tools and processes to standardize customer data across the organization. It ensures that data adheres to predefined formats and business rules, which facilitates interoperability between different systems and departments. This standardization is crucial for maintaining data quality, enabling accurate analytics, and ensuring that all stakeholders have access to consistent and reliable information.

Data Governance: Establish clear data governance policies and procedures to guide the creation, maintenance, and usage of customer master data. This helps in maintaining data quality and compliance. Data governance is an integral part of Pretectum CMDM, as it encompasses the people, processes, and technology that ensure the proper management of customer data. Pretectum CMDM is designed to support data governance by providing features that enforce data quality, data lineage, and access controls, which are essential for meeting regulatory compliance and ensuring data security.

Data Lifecycle Management: Define and implement processes for the entire lifecycle of customer data, from creation to archival or deletion. Regularly review and update customer information as needed. Pretectum CMDM aids in Data Lifecycle Management (DLM) by providing a framework to manage customer data from its inception to its eventual retirement. Learn more through the series of posts on DLM.

Integration: Integrate customer master data with other business systems (e.g., CRM, ERP) to ensure a holistic view of the customer. Integration enhances the efficiency of business processes and enables better decision-making. Pretectum’s approach to integration focuses on ensuring seamless data exchanges between systems through technical integration via APIs. This includes facilitating various critical integration points such as record creation, change management, automated classification and analysis, and both manual and automated record proliferation. The goal is to enable systems to work harmoniously together in a data-driven era, which is indispensable for the flow of information and the management of customer master data.

Audit Trails: Implement audit trails to track changes made to customer master data. This helps in understanding who made changes, when, and why, which is crucial for accountability and data quality. Pretectum CMDM includes a full auditable history of change as an integral part of its architecture. This means that for every piece of customer master data managed within the system, there is a clear and accessible record of who made changes, what changes were made, and when these changes occurred. This continuous audit trail is essential for maintaining data integrity, providing transparency, and supporting compliance with various regulatory requirements. It also allows businesses to roll back to a specific point in time if necessary, ensuring that a clean, accurate version of data is always available for restoration.

Data Quality Monitoring: Establish a system for monitoring the quality of customer master data continuously. This involves regular checks, validations, and corrections to maintain data accuracy. Data quality monitoring is a critical component of Pretectum’s data management services. We focus on ensuring that your data remains accurate, complete, and relevant. Our system performs regular checks for accuracy, relevance, completeness, and consistency, as well as monitors rights and permissions. By establishing key metrics and performing these assessments consistently, we can identify areas for improvement and implement remediation plans effectively.

By paying attention to these factors, your organization can better manage its customer master data, leading to improved customer relationships, operational efficiency, and overall an improved likelihood for success.


