Is Artificial Intelligence (AI) really a threat to the human race?

Sittie Asiah Gao
2 min readJun 18, 2017


Artificial Intelligence is developing faster than we could imagine. Before, AI was just a fictional concept where you could see it on television. Today, you can talk to it and it will give you a better response. From a simple machine that could win at checkers game to a machine that could surpass a man’s job. But, are Stephen Hawking and renowned technologist like Elon Musk right about their prediction that AI will become the enemy of the human race? Are we really overpowered by AI?

Let us check first what an AI can do.

What are the capacities of an AI?

Let’s take a look at the applications programmed to machines. These are the current capacity of an AI. Automation, healthcare, automotive industry, finance, video games, defense, agriculture, wildlife monitoring, risk and disaster rescue, cyber security and so on. These are just some of the areas that use AI and algorithms.

What’s the reason why the creation of AI is accelerating so fast?

1. We are connected with device.

One day, there will be microchips implanted in our brains. There will be no need to use smart devices because we can directly communicate to the cloud. We all know how humans want to make things easier for them to communicate with other people and things.

Here’s the reason why our devices are now connected to the internet. The devices that we use have sensors that enable buildings, transport system, house security system to send and receive instructions from us even if we are distant away. We are turning our homes, our cars, even our kitchen wares to machines that can do another task for us.

2. Competition

Microchips are becoming mainstream which means that there are processors everywhere. The production is faster because more companies wanted to compete with other companies with machines that can produce more products in a day. Every day there are new systems that are more advanced than the other, more effective than the other and more productive than the other.

3. Data fuels the digital world

Because the world is moving forward to smart phones, online transactions, digitized things and so on we need a machine that can access and process huge data.

Does this make the AI a threatening system?

We have seen how the world becomes easier and efficient because of the machines that have the capacity to analyze and process information. We have created something that is bigger and could become powerful but at this moment AI has made our lives easier.

In the future, we can see that AI will help us change the world. It will improve health treatments; it will automate our production; transportation will become safe as it will possess the self-driving technology; AI will certainly become useful in changing the world.

