A new way forward

3 min readJan 3, 2019


2018 was a huge year for ClearPoll. We developed and launched the ClearPoll platform, one of the first fully operational mainstream blockchain projects.

It was hard. Really hard. Not only the sheer amount of work required to design and build an app and desktop platform in such a short timeframe, but we got it all done alongside one of the worst bear markets crypto has ever seen. It was very difficult to remain positive and focused along the way, but we never gave up.

What we are left with is a very powerful and flexible platform. The hard work is done, and the next step is focused around adoption and expansion.

Our strengths have always been in design and development. We’re creators. Our team was assembled specifically to get the job done, as promised. I am very proud of each and every team member.

So what’s next? How does ClearPoll become the platform of choice for polling?

We have decided it will be the best move to ensure the survival and growth of ClearPoll, to have a reshuffle of our team.

Myself (Daniel Abela) and Robert Culley will step down as owners of ClearPoll. We are handing over to a new very capable team member, and owner of Ethershift, Josh Case. Robert and I will become advisors. This will allow us to ensure our original vision remains, whilst at the same time allowing Josh and his existing network and team to open up new doors.

Josh has the resources and connections to take ClearPoll to the next level. We, as previous owners, have done everything possible to ensure ClearPoll was built and launched, and now it’s time to switch focus to adoption and growth.

I will be honest and say that our original team does feel a little fatigued. It’s been a very hard road. It has also been a challenge to be based in the most isolated capital city on earth (Perth) which has removed a lot of potential for networking. Injecting new life into ClearPoll requires someone like Josh to take over. Josh is excited for the future of ClearPoll and already has big ideas (and the means) to see it grow and flourish. Josh and his network will be taking over the full platform and management of the ClearPoll token.

I’m very excited to be taking the lead on ClearPoll, and will have an announcement soon about some new ideas and plans I have for 2019. I met Daniel early last year, and as you guys know he’s an awesome, honest, smart guy. It has been great getting to know him, and I am looking forward to working with him towards the original vision he set out with for ClearPoll. — Josh Case

Most of you will know that ClearPoll has one of the best blockchain developers in the country on our team. Without Adrian, we wouldn’t have a product at all. Adrian will be continuing as a ClearPoll developer, which is critical.

This is all an overwhelmingly positive step for ClearPoll’s future. We aren’t losing anything, but gaining a lot, and what better time to hand over than the start of a new year? Our team changes will officially take place from January 16. We’ve been working on this for a while now to ensure everything keeps running smoothly.

Personally, I thank you all for your loyal support right from ICO until now. You’ve all been through a lot in this market and by sticking around you have also encouraged us to keep moving forward. I will be honest and admit that my strength is not in growing a platform. I am a creator. Robert is much the same. This new direction is the perfect solution to ensure ClearPoll will not only survive, but thrive.

Daniel Abela
ClearPoll CoFounder

