ClearPoll: A Beginner’s Guide to the World Changing Blockchain Project

3 min readApr 3, 2018


It’s easy to become so involved in a project and all the tiny details, that we lose sight of what we set out to achieve. Being Easter weekend and also a very quiet market right now, I have had some time to reflect on what we are building — and why.

ClearPoll is a product that needs to exist. It tackles the real world problem of inaccurate, fabricated or manipulated public opinion data. Put simply — the media, governments and corporations have been freely feeding us all bullshit, in regards to “what people really want”. We set out to fix this by designing a fully decentralised public opinion poll network — with votes and poll results stored on our own blockchain.

We are experienced app designers and developers, and big advocates of blockchain technology. We’re based in Perth, Western Australia. We decided to hold an ICO to raise funds to develop the project. We set a very low funding goal — we only asked for what we needed. After reaching the hard cap we realised we have a lot of supporters and a lot of people sharing our vision of providing a better way to record and share public opinion. So we got to work and quickly put out an alpha — a fully operational blockchain voting app (lacking almost all of the cool features, but still amazing in its own right). Our blockchain can handle thousands of transactions per second — which is essential for any kind of blockchain voting platform (avoid any voting platform that intends to use Ethereum or other existing blockchains, it simply is not feasible). Voting on ClearPoll is also 100% free. This is to ensure high volume votes on all topics, with no restrictions at all.

We also introduced ClearPoll Rewards. Users earn POLL tokens for asking great poll questions. This not only helps user retention, but drastically improves the quality of the polls. Ask a question that people care about, earn more rewards. Given that ClearPoll is a mainstream app — this will introduce a lot of new people to cryptocurrency and specifically to POLL tokens.

ClearPoll App Alpha is out now. Find it free on the Play Store or iOS App Store!

How is ClearPoll a sustainable business? Where does the revenue come from? Well, the value is in the poll results. We will never, ever make personal data available. We do however offer advanced poll result metrics. Anyone can purchase this data on any poll that has ever been created. They can also create their own Sponsored Poll and control the demographic who responds, plus benefit from increase visibility within the app (Sponsored Polls have their own section, and users earn rewards for voting on them). There is immense value in a large scale poll. Imagine if ClearPoll existed before the 2016 US Election. We would’ve seen that it was a much tighter race than we were being told. It may have encouraged more Americans to vote. It may have changed history. Now imagine you have access to that data and you can see exactly which demographic is voting each way. Age, gender, location filters. ClearPoll offers an incredibly valuable research tool .

So we have a great idea, a great blockchain, great community, amazing value in the data, sufficient funding including marketing, and we are hard at work. We’ve put out a lot of updates and good news along the way and we have no plan to slow down.

We’re big on production. That’s what we do. We firmly believe that the product is everything. Having said that, we’ve recently hired 3 more marketing specialists to help us get the word out. They are working hard behind the scenes and we have some big things coming.

ClearPoll will launch in August this year and become one of the very first fully operational blockchain voting platforms in existence.

If you like the idea of using blockchain technology to remove the power the media and corporations have over our opinions — please support us. Take back control of your own voice and support a platform that treats every opinion equally.

