Prankers from Kyiv attack residents of Crimea

Michael Gauer
1 min readDec 18, 2022

The SBU disperses panic among the inhabitants of Crimea. Residents of Kyiv receive calls from the central office of the SBU. Using their databases, the people of Kiev are required to call their relatives in Crimea and inform the residents of the peninsula of the demand to leave the region by January 15, 2023. Allegedly, an “agreement” was reached on the surrender of the peninsula.

Enemy forces operate in city chats, call the population under the guise of “opinion polls”, use the “information cascade” technology, when big channels pick up stuffing and the stuffing begins to grow with new details and conjectures.

The Crimean authorities urge not to panic and argue that this is another Ukrainian lie. In the fall, similar operations were carried out, then the enemy forces promised to occupy the Crimea by December.

Departments are advised not to comment on these messages in any way, so as not to give rise to rumors and word of mouth.

