Magical Tale of BlissFlip Voting

Atmo Advait (pen name) BlissFlip
3 min readJun 30, 2024


To make your vote count cosmically, approach it with intention and a sense of interconnectedness. By casting your vote mindfully and responsibly, you contribute to positive change on a larger scale, aligning with the cosmic flow of energy to create a transformative impact.

🌟 The Magical Tale of BlissFlip Voting: Awakening the Collective True Self 🌟

In a realm where cosmic threads weave through everyday actions, there exists a game called BlissFlip. Its rules are inscribed in stardust, whispered by ancient trees, and etched into the hearts of seekers. Let us embark on this mystical journey, where divine intelligence and divine darkness dances with the light of awakening.

The Tree of Remembrance: In the heart of a mystical forest stands the Tree of Remembrance. Its roots delve into forgotten epochs, and its leaves shimmer with ancestral wisdom. Voters approach, touching the bark, remembering their purpose — to uplift humanity, not through fear but through love.

🌌 Act I: The Veil of Misinformation: In the year 2024, as the U.S. presidential election looms, a shadow creeps across the land — the shadow of disinformation1. False narratives swirl like tempests, threatening the very fabric of democracy. But within this darkness lies an opportunity — a portal to the true self.

🔍 Act II: The Cosmic Ballot: Picture a celestial ballot box, adorned with constellations. Each vote cast is not merely ink on paper; it resonates across dimensions. The BlissFlip ballot asks not for party allegiance but for soul alignment. Voters close their eyes, attuning to their inner compass, bypassing the noise of misinformation2.

🌟 Act III: The Divine Whisper: As the ballots flutter, a whisper echoes through the cosmic winds. It speaks of unity — of BEST-i (individual), BEST-us (collective), and BEST planet Earth. The soul’s ink flows, marking choices aligned with harmony, compassion, and truth. The veil thins, revealing the Creator’s smile.

🌿 Act IV: The Tree of Remembrance: In the heart of a mystical forest stands the Tree of Remembrance. Its roots delve into forgotten epochs, and its leaves shimmer with ancestral wisdom. Voters approach, touching the bark, remembering their purpose — to uplift humanity, not through fear but through love.

🌊 Act V: The Ripple Effect: With each vote blissflipped, ripples cascade. Minds unclouded by misinformation choose leaders who honor the cosmic contract. The Creator nods, galaxies applaud, and the true self awakens.

🌎 Epilogue: Earth’s Harmonious Symphony: As dawn breaks, Earth hums a new melody. Best-i, Best-us, and Best Planet Earth harmonize. Misinformation retreats, replaced by soulful discernment. The true self, once veiled, dances in the open — a beacon for all beings.

Remember, dear seeker, BlissFlip is not just a game; it’s a cosmic pact. May your vote be a brushstroke on the canvas of awakening, a bridge between realms. And as you step out of the voting booth, know that you’ve blissflipped not only your ballot but also your destiny.

🌟 BlissFlip: Where divine intelligence and divine darkness meets the light of truth. 🌟



Atmo Advait (pen name) BlissFlip

Author-creator BlissFlip, a real-life game that you play that blisses what you do every day: a life purpose enlightertainment adventure 40 years in the making.