Malta 101: Bank Account in Malta

Business Bank Reviews
5 min readAug 8, 2022


Gone are the days when opening a bank account in Malta was a difficult and complex process. It is now possible to quickly and easily open a bank account in Malta online with the help of technology (and without even visiting the island). This guide will take you through the steps of setting up a bank account in Malta from outside Malta, as well as give some advice on what to look for when choosing a bank in Malta.

Gone are the days when opening a bank account in Malta was a difficult and complex process.

Gone are the days when opening a bank account in Malta was a difficult and complex process. Today, it’s possible to open an account from abroad and even remotely. There are dozens of banks to choose from and each bank has its own way of doing things. Some banks require you to travel to Malta and open your account in person while others allow you to do all the paperwork online or over the phone.

It is now possible to quickly and easily open a bank account in Malta online with the help of technology (and without even visiting the island).

When you open a bank account in Malta, it’s important to know that you can do so without even visiting the island. This is because technology makes it much easier for people to open their accounts online. It also means that there’s no need to travel or meet a representative in person, which saves time and money.

The process of opening a bank account online is simple: you will fill out some paperwork with your details and submit an application form online; once approved by officials at the bank, they’ll send over all of your documents electronically instead of having them snail-mailed back (or hand-delivered). Once everything has been received by both parties — including documents such as passports/ID cards — then funds can be transferred into your new account within minutes (or even seconds) instead of days or weeks like before!

This guide will take you through the steps of setting up a bank account in Malta from outside Malta, as well as give some advice on what to look for when choosing a bank in Malta.

Malta is an island country situated in the Mediterranean Sea, between Sicily and the North African coast. Malta is a small but beautiful country with a rich history of trading and seafaring. The Maltese people are warm and friendly, making it easy to settle into life there. One of the biggest advantages of living in Malta is that it has some of Europe’s lowest taxes; this means you can enjoy your hard-earned money without paying too much tax on it! If you decide to set up a bank account here, then this article will help you make sure that you choose the right one for your needs.

Subsection: How to set up a Maltese bank account from abroad?

You can set up a bank account in Malta from any place in the world, including expat hubs like Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The traditional way involves visiting a Maltese branch to attend ‘in person’ meetings with the bank representative, create your profile and sign all the paperwork.

This is not very convenient for expats who live abroad or are travelling around Europe on business.

There are 2 main ways to open a Maltese bank account from abroad:

There are 2 main ways to open a Maltese bank account from abroad:

  • The traditional way — visiting a Maltese branch in person, creating your profile and signing all the paperwork. This is what most expats do when they come to Malta for work or residency purposes.
  • The new way — opening an account online from abroad. There are many financial institutions that offer this option, but not every bank is available for people residing elsewhere than on the island of Malta.

A) The traditional way, which involves visiting a Maltese branch to attend ‘in person’ meetings with the bank representative, create your profile and sign all the paperwork.

B) The new way, which is pretty straightforward and can be done remotely via video conference.

A) The traditional way, which involves visiting a Maltese branch to attend ‘in person’ meetings with the bank representative, create your profile and sign all the paperwork.

B) The new way, which is pretty straightforward and can be done remotely via video conference.

In this article we will cover both options in more detail.

Opening an online bank account in Malta remotely is not only more comfortable (you don’t have to travel or schedule meetings), but also more cost-effective and efficient.

Opening an online bank account in Malta remotely is not only more comfortable (you don’t have to travel or schedule meetings), but also more cost-effective and efficient. You can do it from home, a café… wherever you want! And the next time you visit Malta, all you need to do is go to your new bank to sign the paperwork.

The best part? By choosing an online bank account in Malta over a traditional one that requires face-to-face meetings, you won’t have to pay for travel or hotel stays — and these savings can add up quickly!

Malta is a small island, and you may find it easier to open your account in person. This is the best option if you’d like to be able to meet with the bank’s staff directly and see the facilities before signing up.

If you don’t want to travel, or if there isn’t a branch near you, consider opening up an online account. Although this method of registration may take longer than registering in person at one of Malta’s many branches (it typically takes about 24 hours), it does provide some advantages over other methods:

  • You won’t have any issues with language barriers because all communication is done through text messages or email communication between yourself and the bank representatives who will assist you throughout the process of opening your account;
  • Opening an account remotely eliminates much of the hassle associated with traveling overseas; and
  • If there are any issues with setting up your new bank account remotely (e.g., technical difficulties), they should be resolved quickly without having wasted any time traveling across Europe or waiting around at airports during layovers

