The Psychology of effective weight loss

Danny Greeves
4 min readMay 27, 2020

Have you been sabotaging yourself from reaching your ideal weight by the way you think? Have you been fooled by two simple, yet powerful tricks of the mind? In this article we’re going to reveal the thinking that keeps that extra weight on and the powerful principles you can follow to reach your ideal body weight.

The first clue is in the title; weight loss.

How often do you enjoy losing things? How often do you celebrate losing something you value? If you are like most people, rarely, and probably never. Over the course of your life-time you will have developed strong negative emotional associations with losing things. Nobody likes losing things! This means when you set your intention of ‘losing weight’ you are setting up a paradox inside your own head.

On the one hand you have an idea about something you want; maybe to reach a certain dress size, maybe to get into a new pair of jeans, or maybe to feel better about your body and feel sexier. On the other hand you’ve framed this goal in terms of something you have a strong dislike for — losing something. The brain struggles with these mixed messages and the net result is zero. In other words, your positive intention is wiped out by your negative association and nothing changes. Oops!



Danny Greeves

Danny Greeves is a multi-award winning childhood and relationship trauma specialist based in the United Kingdom. Learn more at