Why do we need insects and what is their importance for humans?
Insects play an indispensable role in the world we live in, often being overlooked and misunderstood. From pollination to decomposition, insects serve as important contributors to the complex web of life. Their importance far exceeds their small size, having a profound impact on human existence and well-being.
The primary reason we need insects is their important role as pollinators. About 75% of the world’s food crops depend on insects for pollination, including essential foods such as fruits, vegetables and nuts. Bees, butterflies, beetles and other insects transfer pollen between flowers, making it possible for plants to reproduce. Without their diligent work, our agricultural systems would suffer, leading to reduced crop yields, increased food shortages and increased economic challenges.
Insects also contribute significantly to the natural balance and nutrient cycling within ecosystems. They act as efficient decomposers, breaking down organic matter and facilitating its transformation into vital nutrients that nourish plants. Through this process, insects play an important role in maintaining soil fertility and aiding in the growth of various plant species. In addition, insects themselves serve as an important food source for many other animals, forming the basis of many food chains and maintaining entire ecosystems.
Beyond their ecological importance, insects provide tangible benefits directly to human well-being. They serve as natural pest controllers, hunting harmful insects and reducing the need for synthetic pesticides. By reducing insect populations, insects help protect crops and reduce agricultural losses. In addition, insects provide valuable services in areas such as waste management and forensic science, where they aid in decomposition processes and assist in criminal investigations through the study of insect activity.
Insects may be small, but their importance cannot be underestimated. From pollination and nutrient cycling to pest control and diverse applications, they are integral to ecosystem functioning and human well-being. Conservation and appreciation of these remarkable creatures is essential to a sustainable future.