Index 95% of your URL within 48 hours on Google

Inforeole WebMarketing
4 min readMay 4, 2022

You already know that indexing your content by Google is a real headache. You can’t get your URL indexed for weeks or even months

Every day that passes with unindexed URLs means lost business for you or your customers.

Every unindexed URL means you lose money 😱

In this article, I’m going to share with my favorite 5-day indexing tool. This powerful script indexes your URLs every day for five days.

Icing on the cake, it happens more than often that the sent URLs are indexed in a few hours only!

Google Fast URL Indexing

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A tool that indexes 95% of your URL

This paid tool can index 95% of your URLs within 48 hours.

Sometimes it only takes a few minutes, if not 1 minute, to index a URL.

Some users manage to get a position boost on pages already indexed!

#1 Create an account



Inforeole WebMarketing

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