What wrong with Zombies of David Chalmers?

Jaroslav Lipsky
2 min readMar 3, 2019


you need to know language and feel pain — or million years of zombie evolution of pattern recognition for something like that

In famous book of David Chalmers he proposed zombie world where zombies will not different from us. In such world (supposedly) zombie will pleasure from chocolate in psychological sense and look at trees in functional… I see a problem here because such zombie will be pedantic psychopath without complex cross integrations and evolutionary kludges in the brain (non-evolutional artificial electronics in opposite): even psychopathic deviations make big difference in lifespan decisions. So who will invent and cook chocolate? For what? Functionally? Why to process cacao beans? Chocolate is questionable drug/nutritional product.

I mean that consciousness is about evolutional kludges and integration of independent array of functions (senses). Maxima of such zombie — worm level. Complex of such independent functions need common language and transition between them. Fog of feelings means that we cannot ignore growing alternative “knowledge that cannot be denied” (pain as example), while reflex just do stupid necessary job without resource overconsumption (function-fit). Stupid is a key word there. In the stupid world chocolate is a last thing that you will do. Your solutions list have scanty options set (but enough to your areal). You can’t control anything (complex anger in complex situations), you no need to plan: evolutionary you fit and “planned” enough and can’t compete with perceiving beings for one nature resource. Complex and big brain is a result of the time — where reflex shifts for perceptions dominance for management of growing improperly organized big brain structures. Feeling of the world adds new dimensions of information and your every day — for combining and testing of your new list set.

Case of blindsight peoples not the exception: they recognize (reflexively), know what they see but can’t found their complex intelligent (big-brainy) behavior in the fast changing and complex environments (that their brain can and want to process).

There I just mean that qualia (perceptional sense in rough term)

  • lead more information about world for complex systems
  • complex perceptual systems might be over-performers in the evolutional armaments drive for the niche (and brain growth)

Functional systems almost no need quale, while for intelligent system with complex heterogeneous adaptations this is a vital source. Being equipped by bunch of quale functions there arise mechanism to cooperate them for born big conscious experience in one. Evolution don’t do it perfectly like engineer from Intel and SpaceX — there no hardwired function1, function2, …, functionN components — instead there is flexible conscious quale that adapt plastically our brains for new experiences (for new strategies and knowledge). Richness of approach like this in flexibility of knowledge exploration: not only better than reflexive-functional but and faster for biological organisms in evolutionary terms.



Jaroslav Lipsky

Frontend engineer but in free time read papers/books about consciousness