HTB Academy HTTP Requests and Responses /Question 2–3
Sep 11, 2023
In this section, we will be tested dynamics of HTTP request and response, usage of “curl” command in order to obtain information from server.
Let’s dive into questions;
- What is the HTTP method used while intercepting the request? (case-sensitive)
First question is pretty simple that you can get the answer from the narrative of lesson. We will use basic ‘GET’ request to intercept the request as shown below.
command:curl http://x.x.x.x:xxxx
- Send a GET request to the above server, and read the response headers to find the version of Apache running on the server, then submit it as the answer. (answer format: X.Y.ZZ)
Basically we need response headers in order to answer the question.
Command: curl -I http://x.x.x.x:xxxxx
Good Luck!