Mould Your E-Commerce Website Design According To Your Business Need

Infosky Solutions
3 min readApr 13, 2016


Electronic commerce, basically known as e-commerce is the swapping of commercial data or information through computer networks such as the internet and technologies associated with internet like Electronic Data Interchange(EDI), Online Transaction Processing, Internet Marketing etc. For at least one part of the bond’s life cycle, the recent electronic commerce generally uses the World Wide Web with the help of web design services, even though it may use other technologies like email. Now-a-days e-commerce developed as one of the influential aspect of the internet. Electronic commerce is a measure that includes managing of trade by means of internet with the support of computers, linked each other designing a network. One can spread their business in modified and faster manner with the help of internet, using the conception of e-commerce. It is all about allowing the customers to surf your web page according to their demand. Through e-commerce the fundamental market place has been designed by website making company and internet and it promote buyers to pick and exchange stuff promptly and smoothly both regionally and globally. Over e-commerce we can act the following :

  • Online stocking
  • Internet shopping
  • Bond transactions
  • Download and sell software, graphics, music, documents etc.
  • Business-to-business(B2B) transactions.

Advantages of e-commerce:

  • It completely depends on the networking process, so internet is the substitution of paper based business applications. Hence, it reduces the production cost.
  • One can obtain data in faster rate from this mechanism. So, it’s a better information system.
  • As it consist of central database for various boards of the company, it is accepted as more suitable management scheme within constitution.
  • It’s a better way of interchanging data between distinct constitutions from suppliers to clients. Hence, it is the idle management scheme over distinct constitutions.
  • Ecommerce website development and designing is a positive approach for any business plan to bind more clients as it expand the business.

E-commerce is beneficial to one’s business as it helps in seizing customer globally by utilizing responsive web design company. Some of the main e-commerce features which are globally advantageous by adding different advantageous features are as follows:

  • To update product’s detail easily: It is easy to upgrade the detail of the products, pictures of them and improve the trait of the products like font, colour, version etc. using web based interface.
  • Built in stock management scheme: Choice to tally stock levels for every product, so that the system can keep record and indicate you while it goes lack of stock.
  • Accumulates customer’s information: It shows order history, Keep track of customer orders, mail them directly and access the status of their order etc.
  • Mechanized order configuration: With every order, customer will be informed automatically via their email or text message to their contact numbers in respect with the order number.
  • Email Marketing Function: It boost one’s trade with the help of email notifications, exceptional offers and newsletters to draw repeat “back end sales” just with a single click on button, all credit goes to the implicit newsletter aptitude.
  • Works with any payment processor: This system will work on any payment process customer wants. It can be online baking process, money transfer wallet, Google checkout and many more. The payment can also be done by Cash on delivery (COD), even more other options are there — let the customer decide which one is favourable.

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Infosky Solutions

InfoSky Solutions is a well qualified, experienced website design company in Kolkata, India that is committed to enhancing customer satisfaction.