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The Art of Saying No: Setting Boundaries and Prioritizing Self-Care

Magny Utne
5 min readMar 13, 2023


Many of us are people-pleasers. Some of us are trying our best to avoid conflict. You can be the person who loves to help others and find it hard to say no.

I dislike conflict. It makes me uncomfortable and uneasy. I rather just say yes to avoid other people thinking less of me or getting disappointed in me.

Often I find myself doing a bunch of stuff that I am not interested in. Often I take on tasks at work that no one else wants to do. My co-workers know that I am dutiful and will probably say yes. Worst case, I am a pushover without any boundaries.

A saying in writing is to “Kill your darlings”, and this is also highly relevant in life.

If something drains you of energy. Then stop doing it. If someone asks you to join an activity, and you think that this is not something that you’ll enjoy, then say NO.

Just look at this quote from Warren Buffett. Successful people say no to almost everything. That is because they focus on the things of their choice. They set their boundaries. They know what it takes.

The difference between successful people and really successful people is that really successful people say no to almost everything.” — Warren Buffett

