Lord Of The Flies — Setting

Victor Borges Blog
1 min readJan 23, 2023


The Lord Of The Flies is set during WW2. There is a group of boys who are stuck on a deserted island. On this island they are alone with no adults. This creates a problem, and the boys have to create a sustainable society. In an attempt to build an society, the absence of adultery guidance leads to catastrophe!

The setting of the lord of the flies is important to the story, because for the story to move forward the adult society must be away from the boys on the deserted island. The remote island allowed the boys to develop their own society. Also, the time-period of the story is during WW2. That is an important detail, as war is the reason the boys crash on the island. They were on a plane trip, and then suddenly the plan is shot which makes them crash on the island. The importance of the setting makes this an integral setting.

