Russia is defeating the Europeans and the West.

1st test: A couple of days ago, 70,000 people protested in Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic, demanding that the Czech government and the European Union cancel the economic sanctions on Russia; They also demanded that the European Union negotiate peace between Russia and Ukraine.

2nd. Some parliamentarians of the German Congress (Bundestag) have called on the German people to come out to protest, demanding an end to sanctions against Russia and an end to the war between Russia and Ukraine.

3rd. In Italy, the opposition political parties have strongly called attention to the government in power, alleging that the economic sanctions, instead of weakening Russia, are ruining all of Europe.

4th. According to economic projections, electrical energy bills when winter enters can triple, quadruple and even quintuple their current value. What country is capable of supporting that?

It seems that the West has forgotten that Russia was the one who defeated Napoleon’s great army of almost 700,000 men (La grande armée); It is true that Russia had a great ally, the harsh and cold winter of 1812.

Oil on canvas by Adolph Northen

It also seems that the West has forgotten that it was Russia that defeated the bulk and best of the German armies in World War II, in the famous battle of Stalingrand; again Russia obtained in the icy winter of 1942 the best ally of her.

And now in the year 2022, as if it were a Greek tragedy that repeats itself from time to time, in the great economic war waged by the West against Russia, Russia’s great ally appears for the third time on the horizon ready to pass sentence : Winter; this time accompanied, it is even poetic to say it, by one of the elements that fights the cold; winter accompanied by one of her enemies, this rival that accompanies winter…, is nothing more and nothing less than natural gas. The latter outlining a cold smile of sweet revenge against those European politicians who dared to say in an act of great madness: “Europe can live without Russian gas”

And who knows? Perhaps the globalist agenda is gloating because a couple of events it has dreamed of are very close: 1. The Great Blackout, and 2. The Great Economic Reboot.

And finally… who could have said that, that famous phrase written almost two thousand years ago, in a book that progressive Catholic priests do not like to mention because it scares them, who would have said that, that phrase: “A denarius for a measure of wheat…”, was it going to be fulfilled in our days?



carlos angulo (The last templar knight)

I am a Real Madrid, New York Yankees and Boston Celtics fan. I like mathematics and chess but overall I am passioned for the Truth and History. FREELANCE WRITER