A day in my life: script for my youtube video

Ingrid M.
3 min readAug 29, 2018


i wake up at six. i lay in bed and practice deep breaths in the dark while i remind myself im a sentient speck of dust in the insurmountable vastness of the universe. i feel an emptiness inside and a fear of falling into it, an experience which other people have otherwise called ‘vertigo’ and i cry. but i continue to breathe deep each time a little bit louder, until i become mildly worried about my roommates hearing me. thats when i step out of bed and go to the bathroom to let out industrious amounts of pee due to me being a very hydrated human body.

i go to the kitchen for breakfast and i perform what i like to call my little ritual. its not actually a ritual, haha, im just being silly. so okay, i drink 1.5 gallons of water and then thirteen tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to kickstart my metabolism. i know its kinda a lot but no judging! haha. then my body is ready to receive my breakfast: a green smoothie made from a tablespoon of chia seeds, vanilla flavored vegan protein powder, nine bananas, two oranges, spinach, carrot juice and lemon juice.

i meditate for two hours after that. i usually like to sit on my yoga mat in the middle of my bedroom (i’d do it in my living room, but you know, roommates, haha). many of you have asked me about my meditation practice, so im gonna talk you through it! i sit down as comfortably as i can and concentrate. then, as im about to go in, i feel my attention shift forward and then in towards my chest in a circular, abrupt, swift motion, something like a mechanical arm on a train track or a roller coaster track. and it crashes onto me like a wave. then, i feel every fiber of my body and im taken aback by the intensity of being alive and i want to cry again but i push through because i know that once im on the other side of the fabric of my consciousness i’ll be less of a human and more of a being and i won’t feel like crying anymore. and, i don’t know about other people but every time i meditate im shown an image? i can’t tell you what they are, but sometimes they are disturbing and sometimes they are pleasant. today’s was pleasant, haha, phwew.

by the time im done meditating its 9am. i get ready, and go to my 10 to 6, where i write copy for a ad agency. i really like my place of work. i love big skyscrapers (i work on the 15th floor, wow). i have little footage of the office because, although allowed, filming is kinda frowned upon? and most people don’t like it and im not really close with any of them. but you can enjoy this footage of the elevator and the city view from the window. i remember to keep hydrated during the day! and during lunchtime im really craving some meat. i usually don’t pack lunch because i like to listen to my body as much as possible, so i buy half a pound of raw meat at the deli and eat it in the park, soaking in those beautiful sun beams pouring down on me. then, time to work again! haha nothing too interesting.

after im done at six, i go straight to the gym, and then i get home anywhere between eight and nine. i usually shower at the gym and whatever, but i still put a facemask at home and light a couple candles. and for dinner im craving more kale, so i give myself a free pass and eat however much i like! in this time i read or edit a video and then i go to bed. and then tomorrow ill do it all again.

okay so thats it for this video, you guys! this is the routine i’ve found keeps me active and engaged with the physical world. let me know about yours! if you liked it, make sure to give it a thumbs up and subscribe and let me know if you wanna see more of these! maybe a day in my life during the weekend? yea! see you soon!

