Exploring the Evolution of Cars: A Visit to the Petersen Automotive Museum in Los Angeles, CA

Inground Pool Installer
2 min readMar 14, 2024


Did you not know that Petersen Automotive Museum in Los Angeles, CA, houses more than 300 vehicles that make it among the biggest and most varied collections of its kind anywhere in the world? When you enter the museum’s gates you’ll be taken on an adventure that covers over a century in automotive time.

From the earliest carriages that were horse-free to the most modern electric vehicles, every exhibit provides a fascinating look of the present, past and future of personal travel. The exhibit is carefully planned and each vehicle tells an individual story of the time period it is a part of and the people who created it, and the society that adopted the concept.

Why should you be concerned about the old car? You’ll soon to discover that they’re much more than just getting you from point A to point B.

Exploring the Petersen Automotive Museum

As you enter Petersen Automotive Museum Petersen Automotive Museum, you’ll be fascinated by the variety of both modern and classic cars that each have their own tale of design and innovation. When you dig further, you’ll be able to see the vast array of automotive time.

You’ll be amazed by the craftsmanship of the collection from the past which showcases the progress of automobile design throughout the past century. From the sleek modern, sleek designs of the mid century to the modern, bold modern marvels and beyond, you’ll develop a new appreciation for the creativity and craftmanship behind these machines.


You’ll feel a sense belonging as a part of an entire community of people who share a passion for these amazing mechanical creations. At the Petersen Museum, you’re not only an intruder, but a part of the adventure through automotive time.

Highlights of the Museum Tour

As you get immersed in this journey through the automotive history, the highlights of the tour become clearer with each offering distinct insight into the evolution of automobile design and technology.

  1. The Vault This is where you’ll discover a treasure trove of more than 250 rare and iconic cars that span more than 120 years. They showcase the incredible advancements in automobile engineering.
  2. Art Center Design Studio: You become part of the process of creation by witnessing how car designs emerge from sketches and drawings into 3D designs.
  3. The Motorsports Exhibit: This section pays tribute to the high-octane realm of racing. It showcases iconic race cars and other artifacts that have left lasting impressions on the racing.

These captivating exhibits provide visitors with a thorough knowledge of our entangled history with cars, allowing you to feel part of the auto community.

