100 Free Unicoins.
Unicoin is the official Unicorn Hunter coin with a target price of $40/coin, featuring Steve Wozniak (co-founder of Apple) and Rosie Rios, former United States Treasurer, whose signatures appear on most US banknotes in circulation.
Unicorn Hunters cast members include: Rosie Rios, former Treasurer of the United States, Steve Wozniak, co-founder of Apple, Silvina Moschini, President and co-founder of TransparentBusiness, Alex Konanykhin, CEO and co-founder of TransparentBusiness, Moe Vela, former Sr. Advisor to then VP Joe Biden, and Lance Bass, former NSYNC member.
Unicoins will be used to develop a diversified portfolio of equity positions in the numerous emerging growth companies. Coin holders will, therefore, be stakeholders of a major global fund of innovation and will receive dividends.
Unicoin Whitepaper
Unicoin Giveaway.
How To Claim 100 Free Unicoins:
1. Go to https://lk.unicoin.com/unc-121408
2. Complete your registration.
3. Download the certificate of your 100 free Unicoins.
Note: Limited to 1M claims only.
About Unicoin.
Unicorn Hunters’ mission is to democratize access to wealth and change the rules of the game, so that pre-IPO investing is no longer the privilege of a select group, but accessible for all.