INI members reveals Kyosuke’s two special talents! One is his “soothing voice,” and the other is?

INI Global Fanbase
4 min readJul 28, 2021



Original article in Japanese(日本語はこちら):

ViVi (Japanese fashion magazine) had a direct interview with Kyosuke Fujimaki of INI, who was born from “PRODUCE 101 JAPAN SEASON 2”! Kyosuke’s “soothing singing voice” that comes from his high level of singing ability has been attracting a lot of attention. Hiromu, one of the members of the group, says that Kyosuke has one more attractive feature that makes him a great weapon. What kind of charm is it!? In addition to a Q&A self-introduction, Kyosuke gave us a self-analysis of seven items, including his degree of romanticism and positivity. Please check it out until the end❤


Kyosuke Fujimaki | Birthday: August 10, 1999 | Blood type: A | Nationality: Japan (Nagano)

Q.1 What is your nickname?

Kyosuke, Kyo-chan, Mackey

Q.2 What do you want your fans to call you?

I’m happy with anything!

Q.3 What kind of personality do you think you have?

I worry too much about a lot of things

Q.4 What is your favorite part of your body?

My eyelashes (I often get compliments on them)

Q.5 Are you an indoor person or an outdoor person?


Q.6 What are your top 3 favorite food?

1st Ice cream

№2 Yakiniku (Japanese grilled meat)

№3: Thick soup based ramen

Q.7 Please tell us who you admire, artists, role models, if any!

ATSUSHI of EXILE, Nissy (Takahiro Nishijima)

Q.8 What kind of otaku (geek) do you think you are?

Sauna otaku

Self Analysis

filled out by Kyosuke


Q.9 What is your favorite manga or anime?

“Diamond A”, “Dragon Ball”, “MAJOR”, “Haikyu!!”


Q.10 What is your favorite fashion style or taste in fashion?


Q.11 What do you look for when you wear (or buy) clothes?


Q.12 What fashion items do you buy or collect?



Q.13 How did you spend the night before the final screening?

One of the things I learned during the “PRODUCE 101 JAPAN SEASON 2” camp was that sleep is very important. Since it was the day before the final, I was anxious because I couldn’t fall asleep, but I took a shower early and went to bed in the dark.

Q.14 What do you want people to pay attention to?

I’ve been using singing as my strength, just like Hiromu, so I think singing is what I can attract people to at this point

Q.15 What do you do to get pumped up for your performance?

Before the performance, I often ask everyone to form a circle to unify their minds, and I also ask them to pat me on the back to get me fired up.

What kind of person is Kyosuke in the eyes of the members?

First of all, as everyone knows, Kyosuke has a singing voice that soothes people’s minds, and that is his greatest charm and weapon. He also has the power to naturally attract people around him, although I don’t know if he realizes it or not. During training camps, Kyosuke is always surrounded by people. I don’t think there was a trainee who didn’t like him, because he really makes the atmosphere better!

Hiromu Takatsuka

(from left: Kyosuke, Takeru, Hiromu, Takumi)

Since the day after their debut, they’ve been appearing on TV one after another, and they’ve been updating their official SNS with off-camera shots, magazine appearances, and other information.

We’re expecting more and more from this handsome INI who’s getting popular every day.

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