INI’s Takeru Goto is a hidden macho⁉ Interview on self-analysis and profile♡

INI Global Fanbase
4 min readJul 25, 2021



Original article in Japanese:

ViVi(Japanese fashion magazine) had an interview with Takeru Goto of INI, who was born from “PRODUCE 101 JAPAN SEASON 2”! Takeru, who often plays the center role in the show, is a perfect all-rounder who can sing and dance perfectly! This time, in addition to a Q&A session to introduce his profile, ViVi also asked him about the nickname he would like to be called by his fans and about his own self-analysis♡ ViVi also asked him about the secret behind the cucumber video in the “Ontact Ability Evaluation”!


Birthday: 1999–06–03 Blood type: AB
Nationality: Japanese (Osaka)

Q.1 What is your nickname?


Q.2 What do you want your fans to call you?


Q.3 What kind of personality do you think you have?

Serious, stoic

Q.4 What is your favorite part of your body?

My pecs

Q.5 Are you an indoor person or an outdoor person?


Q.6 What are your top 3 favorite foods?

№1 Japanese pear

№2 Strawberries

№3 Rare cheese cake

Q.7 Please tell us about any people, artists, or role models that you admire!

V of BTS, William Franklin Miller (British model) and Masato Sakai (Japanese actor)

Q.8 What kind of otaku (positive meaning of nerd) do you think you are?

Kingdom Otaku

Self Analysis

Takeru filled out by himself


Q.9 Tell us about your favorite manga and anime!


Q.10 What is your favorite book?

The Blue Void

Q.11 What is your favorite drama or movie?

“Legal High” & “The Shawshank Redemption”


Q.12 What is your favorite fashion style or taste in fashion?

Elegant. I tend to wear high-waisted bottoms with tucked-in tops.

Q.13 What do you pay attention to when you wear (or buy) clothes?

Material, color, shape and size!!

Q.14 What fashion items do you buy or collect?

A ring with unique design


Q.15 How did you spend the night before the final round?

I think I was able to go to sleep surprisingly quickly at night, but until then I listened to the performance songs many times and did image training. I assumed that there would be an audience, and I imagined myself standing on the stage, giving my best performance, over and over again.

Q.16 What do you want people to pay attention to?

I think my greatest weapon is my ability to express myself, meaning facial expressions, emotional dance, the way I slow down and my personality. I would be happy if you could pay attention to that part.

Q.17 In “Ontact Ability Evaluation,” the video of you eating cucumbers was impressive. Did you choose cucumbers because you like them?

I’ll be honest with you. Of course I like cucumbers, but if you ask me, “What is your favorite vegetable? I would say tomatoes.

I ate cucumbers during the ontact evaluation, and from that point on, people thought I liked cucumbers, but actually, I chose cucumbers for the ASMR effect (i.e., the brain’s pleasant response to auditory and visual stimuli), not because I like cucumbers best…… I apologize for that.

What kind of person is Takeru from the members’ point of view?

Actually, Takeru, you may look thin, but he is a hidden macho. You can’t tell when he’s wearing clothes, but when he takes them off, he’s really fit. It looks like he does sit-ups every day. I’m sure there will be a belly flicking service at some point, so please pay attention to that!

by Takumi Ozaki

(from left) Kyosuke, Takeru, Hiromu, Takumi

Since the day after their debut, they’ve been appearing on TV one after another, and they’ve been updating their official SNS with off-camera shots, magazine appearances, and other information.

We’re expecting more and more from this handsome INI who’s getting popular every day.

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Is INI’s First Center, Masaya, an Otaku? A Direct Hit on Self Analysis and Profile!

INI — Memories of the Audition Period & Healing During the Camp



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