Is INI’s First Center, Masaya, an Otaku? A Direct Hit on Self Analysis and Profile!

INI Global Fanbase
4 min readJul 23, 2021


Original article in Japanese:
Masaya Kimura, the first center of INI, has always been at the top of “PRODUCE 101 JAPAN SEASON 2” with his overwhelming popularity and ability. He is also the “face” of the group, shining first in the final rankings. He has served as the center of the group many times in the program and has been called “perfect”, but we want to know a lot more about him than just his performances! In response to such requests, ViVi (Japanese fashion magazine) asked him to introduce himself, his favorite fashion and culture, and to analyze himself. ViVi also asked him to tell us how he spent the night before the last day of the competition, and what his image of the center is.

Profile — Masaya Kimura

Birthday: 1997-10-10 | Blood type: B
Nationality: Japan (Aichi)

Q1. What is your nickname?
Masaya-kun, Ma-kun

Q2. What do you want your fans to call you?
I’m happy to be called by Masaya.

Q3. What kind of personality do you think you have?
I think I’m a self-paced person, but I can switch between on and off quickly.

Q4. What is your favorite part of your body?
My small, soft ears.

Q5. Are you an indoor person or an outdoor person?
I think both of them.

Q6. What are your top 3 favorite food?
№1 All sweet ones
№2 All spicy food
№3 Curry and rice

Q7. Do you have any person, artist or role model that you admire?

Q8. How would you describe yourself as an otaku(positive meaning of nerd in Japanese)?
I think I’m a people-watching otaku.

Self Analysis

filled out by Masaya


Q9. Tell us about your favorite manga(comic) and anime!
“Shingeki no Kyojin”, “Reincarnated as a Slime”, Hiroaka (“My Hero Academia”)

Q10. Tell us about your favorite book!
A book on fortune-telling for Sanbeki Jupiter

Q11. Tell us about your favorite drama or movie!
Ghibli works


Q12. What is your favorite fashion style or taste in fashion?
I like Uniqlo and GU. I also wear vintage clothes sometimes

Q13. What do you pay attention to when you wear (or buy) clothes?
I’m picky about the colors

Q14. What fashion items do you buy or collect?
I tend to buy caps

Q15. How did you spend the night before the final stage?
I was doing image training in order to completely eliminate all my anxiety. I imagined myself giving a good performance in the final, and fell asleep while doing so. haha

Q16. What do you want people to pay attention to?
I call my charm point as “smile.” I think a smile is the most influential thing in a person’s life. I will deliver a smile that makes people happy, so I’d be happy if you could receive it.

Q17. During “PRODUCE 101 JAPAN SEASON 2”, you frequently played the center. Since you are going to be the center of your debut song as well, can you tell us about your image of the center?
I think the center is the core of the performance because it is featured more than the other parts.
However, if the center person insists himself too much, the balance of the whole group will be lost. When I was in the center during the audition, I was always conscious of how to harmonize that.

How do you see Masaya in the aspect of a member?

He’s got great leadership skills, and even when he’s not the center, he always seems to be the center, and he’s got a lot of charisma! But usually he’s relaxed and comforting, and natural airhead in a good way, which is cute. haha
by Fengfan Xu

(from left) Yudai, Jin, Fengfan, Masaya

Since the day after their decision of debut, they’ve been appearing on TV one after another, and their official SNS is being updated with off-camera shots, magazine appearances, and other information at an accelerated pace!
We can’t wait to see what the future holds for INI, whose popularity is growing every day❤

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