What does the self-analysis of Shogo of INI look like? Is he fluent in Korean too? Urgent interview the day after their debut announcement!

INI Global Fanbase
4 min readJul 30, 2021



Original article in Japanese (日本語はこちら): https://www.vivi.tv/post206445/

This is an interview with INI, who was born from “PRODUCE 101 JAPAN SEASON 2”! For this interview, ViVi (Japanese fashion magazine) asked Shogo Tajima, who has both a fluffy and charismatic aura, to introduce himself and answer one question at a time, as well as to analyze himself in seven areas, including his degree of romanticism and positivity. In the Q&A session, he answered in Korean, a language only he can use since he has traveled to Korea, his favorite fashion style, and many other things that make him a “beloved character” among the members.


Shogo Tajima | Birthday: October 13th, 1998 | Blood type: A | Nationality: Japanese (Tokyo)

Q.1 What is your nickname?


Q.2 What do you want your fans to call you?


Q.3 What kind of personality do you think you have?

I’m a little slow

Q.4 What is your favorite part of your body?

My ears! They’re big and face forward, so I feel like I can hear what people are saying well

Q.5 Are you an indoor person or an outdoor person?

I’m more of an indoor person

Q.6 What is your favorite food?

№1 Hayashi rice (hashed beef rice)

№2 Chocolate

№3 Fried rice

Q.7 Please tell us about any people, artists, or role models that you admire!

KAI from EXO and Taeyeon from NCT!

Q.8 What kind of otaku (geek) do you think you are?

Korean drama otaku, RAP otaku

Self Analysis

filled out by Taji


Q.9 What is your favorite manga or anime?

Hiroaka (“My Hero Academia”)

Q.10 What is your favorite book?

“고요할수록 밝아지는 것들” (“The Way to Wisdom and Tranquility with Monk Hae Min: ‘The Quieter the Lighter’”)

Q.11 Tell us about your favorite drama or movie!

봄날은 간다 (“Spring Days Are Passing”)


Q.12 What is your favorite fashion style or taste in fashion?


Q.13 What is your favorite part of wearing (or buying) clothes?

My intuition at the time

Q.14 What fashion items do you buy or collect?



Q.15 How did you spend the night before the final?

The night before, I soaked in the bathtub for the first time in a while and tried to relax my body for the final. I wanted to do my best so that I wouldn’t have any regrets, so I concentrated on preparing for it.

Q.16 What do you want people to pay attention to?

I will definitely show a side of myself that has never been seen before in “PRODUCE 101 JAPAN SEASON 2”

In particular, I would like to focus on a new aspect of my performance, so please pay attention!

Q.17 What new aspect of yourself did you discover during “PRODUCE 101 JAPAN SEASON 2”?

What I discovered was when I tried to rap in the position battle. I’ve always loved rapping, but this was my first time to perform with a microphone on stage. That’s why I was worried, and there were times when I wondered if I shouldn’t have chosen rap, but in the end I was able to create something ideal with everyone on the team, and I’m glad I did!

What kind of person is Tajima-san from the members’ point of view?

Taji (Shogo) is quite serious. But he’s not overly serious, he’s just right. He’s very stoic and perfectionist, but he’s also very considerate of those around him. He also has a surprisingly warm side to him. He has a good balance, so everyone really likes him. I think he is a well-liked character.

by Hiroto Nishi

(from left: Rihito, Hiroto, Shogo)

Since the day after their debut, they’ve been appearing on TV one after another, and they’ve been updating their official SNS with off-camera shots, magazine appearances, and other information.

We’re expecting more and more from this handsome INI who’s getting popular every day.

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