With his accurate and expressive voice, what is the self-analysis and profile of INI’s Hiromu Takatsuka?

INI Global Fanbase
5 min readAug 1, 2021



Original article in Japanese (日本語はこちら): https://www.vivi.tv/post206572/

On the day after the final, ViVi (Japanese fashion magazine) had a direct interview with Hiromu Takatsuka of INI, the group created by the 11 finalists of “PRODUCE 101 JAPAN SEASON 2”! Hiromu’s singing voice is a must-see, as he has been the main vocalist for many of the programs with his extended and stable high voice. In addition to self-introduction and Q&A session, ViVi also asked him to analyze himself in seven areas, including his charisma and kindness. Please take a look at his favorite fashion taste and culture as well ❤


Hiromu Takatsuka | Birthday: April 4th, 1999 | Blood type: O | Nationality: Japanese (Tokyo)

Q.1 What is your nickname?


Q.2 What do you want your fans to call you?

I don’t really mind, so call me whatever you want to call me!

Q.3 What kind of personality do you think you have?

Stoic, serious, challenge-oriented

Q.4 What is your favorite part of your body?

My eyes. I’m often mistaken for someone who wears colored contacts

Q.5 Are you an indoor person or an outdoor person?

I’m an indoor person

Q.6 What are your top 3 favorite foods?

№1 Ice cream

№2 Fruits in general

№3 Snacks (that go well with alcohol

Q.7 Please tell us about any person, artist, or role model that you admire!

Sota Hanamura of Da-iCE

Q.8 How would you describe yourself as an “otaku” (geek)?

I’m a creature otaku! I love living things!

Self Analysis

filled out by Hiromu


Q.9 What is your favorite manga or anime?

I like the world of “Magi”. The main character overlaps with the person I want to be

Q.10 Tell us about your favorite book!

The Duck and Duck Coin Locker. The last part of the story is so interesting!

Q.11 What is your favorite drama or movie?

“The Greatest Showman” I like it because of the music!


Q.12 What is your favorite fashion style or taste in fashion?

Lately, I like to wear formal fashion like a set-up

Q.13 What do you look for when you wear (or buy) clothes?

I like items that have a simple design with some accents!

Q.14 What fashion items do you buy or collect?

When I find a cute ring, I can’t help buying it!


Q.15 How did you spend the night before the final screening?

I read through the journals that I had written so far, and I found that they were filled with honest feelings of what I had done and how I had felt, whether it was a day of good growth or something really painful. By reading them again, I was able to get inspired and think, “This is how I’m going to feel when I go on stage.”

Q.16 What would you like people to pay attention to?

The most important thing is my singing, which is also my weapon. The other thing I’d like people to look at is my rich facial expressions.

Q.17 You moved up a lot and made your debut in second place. How did you feel when you and Masaya, the first place winner, were shown on the screen at the end of the show?

I really couldn’t believe it. I never thought that I would be on the screen with the top two. My previous ranking was 17th, which was very far from my debut position, so I was only worried before the announcement started.

I’m really grateful to all the people who voted for me and supported me so much that I could be seen on that monitor, and I’m glad that I believed in my fans and worked hard until now.

What kind of person is Hiromu from the members’ point of view?

His singing is inevitable when talking about Hiromu. He has a high-pitched voice that I don’t have and a very clear voice. Also, since he has studied a lot about singing, I feel that he carefully checks the rhythm, pitch, and other details of the song. That’s why he’s really precise, but he also has great expressiveness.

During “PRODUCE 101 JAPAN SEASON 2”, I was promoted from B to A team with Hiromu in the level test, and at that time, I was able to study and imitate Hiromu’s expressive power. We are really like good rivals.

Kyosuke Fujimaki

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