How I use keepOn to keep up with my tasks

Inigo Imaz Chacon
2 min readJul 17, 2024


Photo by Luis Villasmil on Unsplash

If you ever have been overwhelmed by the amount of tasks you have to do in life… you are not alone.

This is why I started this little cli helper called keepOn, to help me/you keep track of life duties and important goals. To help keep on doing, learning...
You can install it via

npm install -g @inimaz/keepon

Adding tasks

Something new has come up. And you have to deal with it. Before starting right away to do it, try to reflect on the global picture of the task.

  • Is it important? 0–10
  • Is it urgent? 0–10
  • How much time will it take me to finish this? (in minutes)

Note: If the goal to accomplish is too small (<1 min to do it), I do it right away without adding it to keepOn. If too big, I split it into actionable subtasks and repeat.

Once I have this clear, I create the task(s). The format is:

k create [title] [description] [urgency] [importance] [estimatedTime]

k create "Some important task" "Some task description" 7 9 15

Then press k to return the list of tasks in order of priority. This priority is calculated using the importance, urgency and estimated time numbers.

If not ok with the priority, update the task. For instance, if I want to update the importance of the task I have just created, I get the id from the dashboard (163 for instance), and I do

k update 163 -i 8

See the dashboard

Run k or k show

See the agenda

k agenda or k a to see how your day will look like if you did all the tasks today with no stops. This is not realistic, I know, but it gives a sense of what one can accomplish in a day.

Wednesday, July 17
19:15 Some important task ⌛15min
19:30 do demo of keepon ⌛45min
20:15 Return ring to Mordor ⌛60min
21:15 Find Waldo ASAP ⌛60min


Ready? See the dashboard(k). Pick up the id of the first task (.e.g 163), set it in progress (k start 163) and do it. Just do it.

Once it is done, k check 163 . This will mark it as done.

Pick the second one. Repeat.

Keep on!

KeepOn repository:

