Welcome to the Initiation: Initia Testnet User Guide

This user guide will serve you as a go-to source in terms of how to get yourself acquainted with Initia’s public version of the testnet. Please browse through each step to get settled in and interact with Initia and the Minitias within Omnitia.

7 min readMay 14, 2024

Welcome! 👋🏻

We will walk you through some of the most basic steps for entering Omnitia.

Installing an Initia-compatible wallet is a must; follow the instructions below to install and set up the official Initia Wallet that comes packed with everything for you to interact with all the features on Initia App, such as swap, stake, and contribute to LP pool.

Afterwards, we will guide you on how to create an Initia Username for yours to keep!

1. Initia Wallet

Initia Wallet is the official wallet of the Initia blockchain, which binds together the modular omnichain networks within Omnitia.

[Key Features]

  • Manage assets and NFTs across Initia Layer 1 and Minitias
  • Create wallet on Initia blockchain with Social Login or mnemonic phrase
  • Send assets across Omnitia seamlessly
  • Swap coins by interacting with Initia’s native DEX
  • Connect to and sign transactions on decentralized applications

Step 1. Install Initia wallet extension

Step 2. Create new wallet

Using either the social login feature or creating key phrases, create new wallet.

Step 3. Save recovery phrase

If you have connected your social, don’t worry. If you have chosen to use the recovery phrase, make sure to save those phrases somewhere safe. The next step ensures if you have saved the phrases and makes you fill in the blank to make sure.

You’re all set!

Let’s go get some testnet tokens for more activities.

2. Faucet

You can receive testnet tokens from the faucet here: https://faucet.testnet.initia.xyz/

Step 1. Go to faucet

Either from your wallet or directly via the link, go to faucet. Copy and paste your wallet address.

Step 2. Check your balance

Now that you have successfully received testnet tokens, go to your wallet and check your balance. Remember, you can only receive from the faucet once in every 24 hours!

3. Initia App


The Initia App is Initia’s official web frontend for interacting with Initia Layer 1’s key user features.

A graphical user interface is provided on Initia App, including the below user flows:

  • Swap: Swap coins coins by interacting with Initia DEX’s weighted pools.
  • Stake: Any whitelisted coins can be staked to Initia’s enshrined liquidity and earn INIT distribution rewards.
  • Validator: Information about both active and inactive validators on Initia Layer 1 is provided.
  • Governance: View, vote and create proposals to govern Initia blockchain in a decentralized manner.
  • Dashboard: Check out Initia’s data such as TVL through visualizations.

3.1 Swap

Let’s try swapping assets. After you connect your wallet on the main page, go to the swap section.

Step 1. Select details

The page will ask you how much INIT you would want to swap. Select the token you’d like to swap to, and select the amount. I have chosen to swap 50INIT to USDC.

Step 2. Confirm amount and sign

The page will ask you to confirm the amount of initial token and the swapped token.

After you confirm, sign the wallet.

Step 3. Check balance

After successfully swapping assets, go to MyPage. You will see all the assets you have in the swapped amount.

3.2 Stake

Let’s stake to the validators.

Step 1. Select pool

You can choose from staking either solo INIT tokens or INIT-token pairs. Here, since I already have swapped to USDC, I chose USDC-INIT.

Step 2. Select how much to stake

Step 3. Choose a validator to delegate to

Step 4. Confirm

After carefully choosing which validator to stake to and how much to delegate, confirm the amount and destination.

Step 5. Check balance

Finally, you can check your updated balance in MyPage. After you have staked your asset, you can earn staking rewards in this page.

3.3 Pool

You can check out the liquidity pools that exist in our native DEX.

3.4 Dashboard

See visualized data of Initia in our dashboard page.

3.5 Governance

You can create, review, and vote for proposals in the governance section.

4. Initia Usernames

Initia Usernames is a blockchain domain that is easy-to-remember addresses replacing the complicated and unmemorable blockchain addresses. Initia Usernames can be used across all Omnitia.

Instead of having to copy and paste long addresses, user can type in Initia Username such as initia.init. This makes the user experience across Omnitia much simpler and stress free, when trying to type in another users' address.

Step 1. Go to page

Visit usernames.testnet.initia.xyz. Before you start anything, connect your wallet to access the full service.

Step 2. Connect Wallet

Click on the “connect” button on the top right corner.

You can connect through various methods, including other wallets and social accounts. In this case, I will use the Initia Wallet to login.

Step 3. Claim Username and Register

Now that you have connected your wallet, you can claim any username you’d like.

You can register right away if the name you have chosen is not taken. I chose “innit,” so that it makes the phrase “innit.init” 😂 Be creative!

Then hit the register button when you have made your decision.

Step 4. Sign Wallet

Hit approve on the wallet pop-up.

Step 5. Check My Page

You can now see your username on My Page, and your wallet will display your address as the name you have claimed. Initia Usernames can be used to replace the wallet address when transferring assets as well.

5. Initia Scan


Initia Scan is a user-friendly explorer that offers real-time data on blocks, confirmations, and transactions on the Initia blockchain. Users can enter block height, transaction or account address in order to access desired information. The searched information can be filtered Minitia by Minitia for users to easily find information on the desired network.

[Key Features]

  • Overview: Overview of current status of Initia and Minitias
  • Transactions: List of all transactions on Initia and Minitias sorted by recency
  • Blocks: List of all blocks on Initia and Minitias
  • Proposals: List of all governance proposals on Initia and their status

Account Details page can be found by clicking on one if the Initia address links or by searching an Initia address on the search bar at the top of the user interface. Account details page shows the following information specific to the selected account:

  • All assets and NFTs owned by the account
  • Active staking positions held by this account
  • Transactions executed by this account
  • Move resources stored in this account
  • Modules published by this account

We Value Your Feedback!

On the right end of our applications there is a little feedback button that redirects you to our forum, powered by Spacehall.

If you notice any bugs or if you have any suggestions, please let us know.

Have fun on our testnet!


The Initia Team

