The Hypocrite Josh Hawley

David Rosman
3 min readApr 27, 2024


Columbia, MO — April 26, 2024 — Is Missouri’s senator Josh Hawley, like our former President, in Putin’s back pocket?

Hawley supports actions against Iran, a terrorist nation; for Israel in the war against Hamas, another terrorist organization; and for Taiwan’s defense the aggression of the Chinese communist government. But not one penny should go to Ukraine in its war against Russia.

The House passed a number of bills this last week, including aid to the war efforts for Israel, in support of the Taiwanese government against Chinese aggression, and for Ukraine for their conflict with the invading armies of Russia.

Yet, somehow, Hawley decided that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine was not necessary, because there was no money in this bill to help “defend our southern border” from the mass numbers of people fleeing their homelands, so he voted “No.”

We know what type of coward Hawley is. We all saw the video of him running for his life during the January 6 insurrection after showing his supporting fist salute to the mob.

We know that he is helping Israel, not out of the goodness of his heart, but because of his Christian nationalist beliefs and that Israel must exist for the Second Coming to happen.

We know how Hawley adores Donald J. Trump. Trump hates the communist Chinese (key word here is “communist”) and the “illegals” crossing our southern borders.

Hawley also adores anyone the former president considers a close friend, in this case Vladimir Putin. Because Putin has not declared the Russian government communist and they have elections, the government and Putin cannot be bad.

Hawley, and Missouri’s other U.S. senator Eric Schmitt, opposed the Ukraine portion of the aid package, which passed with a Senate bipartisan margin of 79 for and 18 against and is headed to the president’s desk.

Hawley and 17 other no votes belong to mostly to the ultra-right wing, conspiracy loving, Biden hating crowd. Though he is not a member of the Freedom Caucus, Hawley is definitely a strong outside supporter.

Commentator George Wills lambasted Hawley and his extremist colleagues in a social media post:

“Hoping to enhance their political security in their mostly safe seats, and for the infantile satisfaction of populist naughtiness (insulting a mostly fictitious ‘establishment’), they (who voted no) voted to assure (Russian President) Vladimir Putin’s attempt to erase a European nation.”

Not just about the nation of Ukraine, but emboldened by any lack of support for Ukraine by the United States, Putin may attempt to reclaim other eastern European nations back into the Russian sphere of influence which they had under the former Soviet Union.

As for the southern border, Hawley believes that all who want to come into the United States must be carrying drugs, are murders and criminals.

It does not matter that the vast majority of the immigrants are people of color and do not speak English. It does not matter that they are escaping from the violence in their home nation, extreme poverty. It does not matter that there is more crime in our nation from those who are citizens that those coming across our borders.

We need to vote Hawley out of his office as Senator for Missouri this November. He is neglecting the will of the people he represents. He does not understand the need to protect the fragile government of Ukraine. He cannot see past the 3-D image of Donald Trump in his head.

David Rosman is an award winning columnist, editor and speaker. David is the Missouri State Director for American Atheists and a bi-weekly columnist for the Columbia Missourian.



David Rosman

An award winning columnist, editor and proofreader, David writes about national and Missouri politics, religion and anything else that comes to mind.