Announcement | INK Recent Developments and Progress(December)

Ink Labs Foundation
1 min readDec 30, 2017

INK Recent Developments and Progress(December)

Ink Blockchain:

1. The production environment of INKchain on kubernetes has been deployed;

2. The public-chain contract part of cross-chain protocol has been verified;

3. Large volume of copyright data (> 100,000) have been registered on INKchain;

4. The development guide for INKchain chaincode has been improved, with two chaincode examples added;

5. Exception and heavy stress test on INKchain have been made;

6. The high-concurrency performance is improved, along with several bug fixes.


1. The high concurrency feature of INKchain has been supported by SDK;

2. The parsing of the block structure has been improved;

3. The transaction proposal structure in SDK has been extended;

4. The problem of memory leak has been fixed.


1. INK BaaS has completed docking with Fabric and INKchain SDK, realizing the application, configuration and management of Fabric and INKchain clusters;

2. Support issuing tokens on INKchain clusters;

3. Begin user experience optimization and sufficient functional tests;


Finished the design of web and mobile apps, and the development has been started. Initialization, restoration, and transaction creation have been implemented

Follow-up plan:

Next work in Jan,Improve BaaS’s support for INKchain, and improve compatibility; Perform evaluation and test of stability and security. The beta test for BaaS will be started.

