Announcement | Ink Weekly Development and Progress (5.21–5.27)

Ink Labs Foundation
1 min readMay 29, 2018




1. The transfer fee related interfaces were improved, and the fee calculating function was added to the SDK;

2. The design of contract account system was completed, which added contract account related functions and was compatible with the original account system;

3. The tendermint related modules were improved to be compatible with INKchain;

4. The unit test for the startup of tendermint orderer was successful.


The requirement review of the cross-chain token transfer application was finished, and the development was started.


1. The loading speed of Remix IDE was improved;

2. The INKstone v0.5 was fully tested, and officially launched.


[IP platform]

The INKubator IP crowdfunding platform will be online soon.

5.21–5.27 주간보고



1. 전송 요금 관련 인터페이스가 개선됨, 수수료 계산 기능이 SDK에 추가됨;

2. 계약 계정 관련 기능과 원래 계정 시스템과 호환되는 계약 계정의 설계가 완료됨;

3. 텐더민트 관련 모듈이 INKchain과 호환되도록 개선됨;

4. 텐더민트 주문자의 시작 테스트가 성공적으로 끝남.


크로스 체인 토큰 전송 애플리케이션에 요구 사항이 검토가 끝났으며, 개발이 시작됨.


1. Remix IDE의 로딩 스피드가 개선됨;

2. INKstone의 v0.5 버전이 성공적으로 테스트가 끝났으며, 현재 온라인 런칭이 됨.


[IP platform]

INKubator IP 크라우드 펀딩 플랫폼이 곧 온라인 발표될 예정입니다.

