Announcement | INK Weekly Developments and Progress(3.5–3.11)

Ink Labs Foundation
2 min readMar 12, 2018


3.5–3.11 Ink Weekly Progress



The basic development of the backend of the consortium blockchain explorer was completed.


The modification of INKchain to provide token release capability in cross-chain protocol has started;

The cross-chain protocol documentation was completed.


The capability of online review and modification of smart contracts was carried out, and is expected to be online next week;

The detail views of block and transaction were improved;

The switching between Chinese and English was improved;

Bugs fixed for the Chain application, smart contract, and logging modules.



The INKwallet backend was moved to the production environment;

The bug-fix for INKwallet android is still in progress, and is expected to be online next week.


The development of Ink DAppStore was completed, and is expected to be online next week.

[Ink Game]

The UI design for the INKwork DApp is in progress.

[IP platform]

The development of IP crowdfunding platform is in progress;

The matching module of the IP asset exchange platform was completed and tested, and the design and development of the business system is going to be started.

3.5–3.11 주간보고



INK 컨소시엄 블록체인 탐색기 백엔드 기본기능 개발완료.


INK 크로스체인 프로토콜에서 토큰 릴리스 기능을 제공할 수 있도록 INKchain 의 수정 작업이 시작됨;

INK 크로스체인 프로토콜 문서화 완료.


스마트 컨트랙트에 대한 온라인 검토와 수정 작업 실행완료;

블록체인 및 거래내역에 대한 상세정보가 개선됨;

중국어와 영어의 언어 선택이 가능해짐;

스마트 컨트랙트, 로그인 모듈 및 체인 적용시 발생한 버그 수정.



INKwallet 백엔드가 정식 운영환경으로 이동됨;

INKwallet 안드로이드용 버그 수정중, 차주 오픈될 예정.


INK DAppStore 기본 개발 완료. 차주 런칭 예정.

[Ink Game]

INKwork DApp 용 디자인 진행중.

[IP platform]

IP 크라우드펀딩 플랫폼 개발 진행중.

IP 자산 교환 플랫폼의 매칭 모듈 테스트 완료, 비즈니스 시스템의 설계와 개발 시작

