Ink Labs Foundation
3 min readApr 9, 2018


In April, INK will have a total of 13 roadshows in Japan. Except for the roadshow in Tokyo on April 7, the other 12 will be hosted by KOLs in blockchain industry. These influencers will share their opinions about blockchain technology and applications. At the same time, there will be more than 1,000 cryptocurrency investors at the event discussing market status and future trends.

Below is the schedule of INK Japan roadshows in April:

April 4 (Wed) — 金沢- Kanazawa

April 5 (Thu) — 浜松- Hamamatsu

April 6 (Fri) — 静岡-Shizuoka

April 7 (Sat) — 東京-Tokyo

April 8 (Sun) — 大阪-Osaka

April 9 (Mon) — 神戸- Kobe

April 10 (Tue) — 高松- Takamatsu

April 11 (Wed) — 名古屋-Nagoya

April 12 (Thu) — 東京-Tokyo

April 13 (Fri) — 長岡- Nagaoka

April 15 (Sun) — 福岡- Fukuoka

April 16 (Mon) — 熊本- Kumamoto

April 17 (Tue) — 長崎-Nagasaki

INK Japan roadshow map:

Ink has already successfully completed its roadshows from April 4 to 8 in Kanazawa, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka, Tokyo and Osaka. Here are the highlights of the roadshow in Tokyo.

Hello, Tokyo!

On April 7, INK held a roadshow in Tokyo, Japan. It was co-hosted by INK Japan’s co-founder Tsukikawa Yuu as well as Tokyo’s local blockchain KOLs.

During the event, Tsukikawa Yuu shared about INK’s original vision, its technological layout as well as the specific application scenarios, giving participates a clear and thorough understanding of the project.

As blockchain and cryptocurrency are inseparable, and Japan is one of the countries with most active cryptocurrency transactions, some KOLs from Tokyo gave their interpretation of the Japanese cryptocurrency market and reviewed the INK token.

During the Q&A session, many cryptocurrency investors showed great interest in the project and asked a lot of questions about investing in INK.

In the next days, INK will be having more meet-ups with crypto enthusiasts in Japan. Come and learn more about INK. We look forward to your participation!

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