Event | Ink Co-MeetUp with Vanywhere & ZatGo

Ink Labs Foundation
2 min readMar 23, 2018


Ink will hold its Co-MeetUp with ZatGo and Vanywhere in Seoul, South Korea, on March 25th. During the meetup, Choi June, Ink Korea Community Operations Leader, with leaders of the other two projects, will provide detailed explanations of their own projects and the whole crypto market.

Sigh up here: https://onoffmix.com/event/131272/

The meeting will accept a limited number of applications. Sign UP now and come to meet us!

About the Meetup

This meetup will have Q&A and communication sessions. During the sessions, you will have a chance for a casual talk and discussion with these projects leaders.

Digital currency analysis will also be provided by KCS.

The meeting also invites various KOL from different companies (Like Coinrail & Medi).

About the Projects:


Ink is a set of blockchain solution for the global creative industry. It is a Sovereign Consortium Blockchain for specific cultural circles. It is also an IP Asset Exchange platform based on Qtum. Through the Ink Cross-chain Protocol, it enables free flow of value and information between public chains and consortium chains. Ink seeks to create a new global Creative ecosystem.


ZatGo is a travel ecosystem that builds ZatGo Unified Payments Platform (ZUP), ZatGo auction trading platform for all participants and introduces a supply chain credit system and credit authentication system to create a monopolized, fully transparent and trustworthy new pattern of big travel. The system’s users and suppliers of systems, services resources to travel products are all contributors to ZatGo’s travel ecosystem.


Vanywhere is a live skill-sharing platform that instantly connects people seeking and offering skills, so you can get personalized results tailored just to you. All interactions happen through live, 1-on-1 video, voice and chat or offline gigs for freelance projects.

Official Website:https://ink.one/

White Paper:https://ink.plus/statics/pdf/ink_whitepaper_en.pdf


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Ink-Labs-Foundation-346197675805778



Telegram: https://t.me/ink_global

