Ink Cross-chain Protocol Completes Formal Verification, Meeting 100% of the Specification

Ink Labs Foundation
2 min readJul 11, 2018


Recently, the CertiK team completed the formal verification and system testing of the Ink cross-chain protocol smart contract and issued a code review report. As a leader in blockchain security field, CertiK concludes that INK XC protocol contract implementation meets 100% of the specification and is hack-resistant, providing protection for on-chain assets of Ink investors.

CertiK Vertification Report for INK XC Contract

Ink authorized the CertiK team to perform a complete formal verification of the Ink cross-chain protocol smart contract, and detect five different types of security bugs, including Function Correctness, Integer Overflow, Assertion Failure, Buffer Overflow, and Reentrancy, by marking the language on the source code. According to the verification report, INK XC protocol contract implementation meets 100% of the specification and is hack-resistant, able to provide protection on-chain assets of Ink investors.

Ink partnered with CertiK to conduct a comprehensive formal verification of Ink Cross-chain Protocol with the aim to enhance the security of digital assets, provide reliability and security for the cross-chain protocol, as well as build a trustworthy Ink ecosystem.

In addition, Ink official cross-chain application is going to launch on website soon, through which users can swap their INK tokens between QRC20 and ERC20 standards. Stay tuned!

