Ink Monthly Report | INKubator Launches First Crowdfunding Project

Ink Labs Foundation
2 min readNov 5, 2018


Ink Development Progress

  • The underlying technology of INKchain was completed and focuses on the development of applications.
  • The display error of the project list in user center was fixed in INKubator Web.
  • The ordering of the orders was fixed in the trading module.
  • The withdrawal limit was improved for user experience
  • The error that other tokens will stop displaying after searching one token was fixed.
  • The display error before the style was loaded in the login view was fixed.

Product Update

INKubator launches the first crowdfunding project-Million: Trivia on Oct 8th, 2018. The crowdfunding started at 15:00 on October 8th, 2018 (UTC+8)!

Million: Trivia is an interactive knowledge-sharing game that designed for the Asian market, with the implementation of the blockchain technology as the proven method to guarantee the transparency and trust of the gameplay.


Global Meet-up

On October 26–28, Ink team successfully held a meetup tour in Fukuoka, Osaka and Tokyo, Japan. The events attracted more than 300 local digital currency investors and blockchain enthusiasts. Ink team shared the latest project progress and launched the first crowdfunding project of INKubator, which obtained interest and support from the audience.








