Ink Receives Strategic Investment from AWARE Capital to Build Global Creative Ecosystem Together

Ink Labs Foundation
3 min readNov 8, 2017


Ink and AWARE Capital has announced the official establishment of partnership through strategic investment. The two companies will work hand in hand to propel the global creative ecosystem.

AWARE Capital is a VC Fund that focuses on incubating and investing in local blockchain startups in China. It was founded by senior internet investor Mr. Jianbo Sun and is a new digital asset investment fund in China. AWARE Capital uphold the mission of providing full-fledge support to the value of internet and innovative startups in China. It dedicates itself to bringing the entrepreneurs into the blockchian circle and subsequently stride into the global cryptocurrency capital market.

Ink is a set of blockchain solution for the global creative industry. It seeks to solve various existing problems in the creative industry with the blockchain technology. With the innovative solution from Ink, the platform will achieve quicker IP authentication, flexible IP asset trading, and free flow of values and information. Using these innovations, Ink will build a new ecosystem for the global creative industry. In the future, Ink will tap into the sovereign consortium blockchains in different cultural circles and connect China, Korea, Thailand, America, Europe and other regions to build a global IP ecosystem network. The ultimate goal is to achieve full commercial value circulation of IP in the global market.

Mr. Jianbo Sun, founder of AWARE Capital has full faith in Ink. He believes Ink has its feet in the Creative industry and sets its eyes in the global market. It seeks to establish a global ecosystem. This broad vision matches well with the value of AWARE Capital. At the same time, Ink has a strong core team, frontline blockchain technology and broad market prospect. AWARE Capital is fully convinced that Ink will have a promising future. As a renowned strategic investment institute, AWARE Capital is happy to have Ink as a long-term investment partner.

Mr. Sun said, “Blockchain technology has great potential. It will provide new solutions to many fields in the future. Ink, being a service protocol based on blockchain for the global creative industry, will certainly be a role-model of success for blockchain applications. Ink will create a huge propelling force for the development of blockchain in the world.

Tang Ling, The co-founder of Ink said, “We thanks for the support of AWARENESS. The investment by AWARENESS implies a remarkable recognition by the professional capital market. The entrance of a new investor will bring more resources for collaboration and expansion of Ink. This will help Ink to further increase its influences in the blockchain space and enhance its global creative ecosystem strategy.”

As a blockchain project targeting the global creative industry, Ink has won public support from many renowned investment institutes and investors, such as Bo Shen from Fenbushi Capital, Qtum Foundation, Bohdi founder Xiahong Lin, Manzi VC, INBlockchian, AWARE Capital, KIG CA, Yanyan from SAIF, Collinstar Capital, Xinxing Duan from Bytom, Zuo Zheng from Sapcechain, Ryan Xu (the Martian), Coin guide, ICOShark, Waves, Siberia Capital, etc

A powerful investment team has brought rich resources to Ink. The pace for Ink in its global journey will be quicker and steadier. Ink will also strive to realize its vision of establishing the global creative industry ecosystem. Ink promises to deliver great result to all the investors.

Ink Pre-sale has concluded successfully. Crowd-sale will start soon! Please refer to the following sites for more information.

Official Site:


Information on tokens:

Name of token:INK
Type of token:QRC20
Total issuance amount:1 billion, 80% for the community and 20% for the team
Hard cap: 11000BTC
Soft cap:7500BTC

Identify verification: required (Chinese and American Nationals are not allowed to participate)

