Ink Recent Developments and Progress (November 2017)

Ink Labs Foundation
1 min readDec 7, 2017


1. INK has started developing INK wallet(including web, IOS, and Android), and will support the follow-up IPtoken features;

2. For Read-Write set problems, INK hascompleted the test for expanding the transaction types and high concurrency;

3. INK further improves the highconcurrency performance of Ink Consortium Blockchain to support multipletransfer-out operations of a same account in the same block;

4. Ink Consortium Blockchain has achieveddeployment with Kubernetes;

5. INK BaaS has completed the application,initialization, smart contract uploading, management and invocation of consortiumblockchains;

6. SDK now supports some newly addedfeatures of Ink Consortium Blockchain, such as INK account, signature system, transactioninterfaces, etc.;

7. The new asset management system chaincodehas been completed;

8. The examples of smart contract calling newstub interfaces have been released;

9. Multiple optimization on DevOps, and doingstress testing on the test chain;

10. Permission control module has beenimproved and tested, with related bugs being fixed.

11. A series of functional testing scripts havebeen added.

December plan

In December, large volume of transactionsand data will be sent to the Ink Consortium Blockchain, and we will continuemaking greater efforts on performance optimization in many aspects, as well ason the improvement of SDK.Finish and test the features of BaaS v1.0 before launch

